The components that make up the subject of PD/H/PE are all highly relevant and essential to the growth and development of children’s life skills and knowledge. PD/H/PE teaches students individual and group values that will assist them in leading happy, healthy and well-formed lives.
Developing their safe living skills such as ‘road safety’ and ‘water safety’. Learning ways of having an active lifestyle Developing their skills in the areas of dance and gymnastics Learning the importance of games and sports Discover themselves through growth and development such as ‘human sexuality’ and ‘values’. Learning how to make personal health choices Gain knowledge about relationships and the features of positive and negative relationships.
Within the area of personal development students will discover and learn systems and functions of the body, physical and emotional changes and learn about values, rights and responsibilities regarding these aspects of personal development.
The aspect of health within PD/H/PE plays a vital role encompassing areas of personal health choices, assisting in children to make healthy informed decisions about their health. This may include such choices and nutrition. This area also incorporates safety aspects associated with personal, home and rural, road and water safety. It also includes learning about what to do in emergency situations such as recognising injuries and contacting emergency services through ‘000’.
The physical education component of PD/H/PE is a large component that covers the areas of active lifestyle choices and teaches students ways to be active and the effects of physical activity on the body. While dance and gymnastic skills are also taught. Games and sports are included to assist children’s development of physical skills of locomotion, non-locomotor, manipulative, aquatic skills and many others.