Orbitrap Technology: New Frontiers in Pesticide Residue Analysis Michal Godula Special Solutions Center Europe Thermo Scientific
We Are The World Leader in Serving Science 50,000 employees in 50 countries $17 billion in annual revenues Unparalleled commercial reach Global Scale Premier Brands I’d like to be the first to welcome to you Thermo Fisher Scientific and I want to give you some background on this great company that you’re now a part of. Thermo Fisher is the world leader in serving science. We’re a $17 billion company with almost 50,000 employees, creating products and services that enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. With our leadership position comes the advantages of scale and depth of capabilities, which differentiates us in the marketplace. There really is no other company that has the range of customer touch points we have – technologically, geographically or commercially. We leverage our premier brands to create the most value for our customers:. I’ll talk more about the areas those brands represent in a moment. Unmatched Depth Leading innovative technologies Applications expertise Lab productivity partner 2 2
Orbitrap: The Performance Leader since 2006 What Orbitrap provides No compromise MS, MS/MS and MSn Speed, sensitivity, ultrahigh resolution, precise mass accuracy, and dynamic range - at the same time Which applications are optimized Virtually all molecular analyses: accurate identification, structural analysis, and quantification of organic molecules, lipids, carbohydrates, peptides & proteins in complex mixtures Proteomics, drug discovery, toxicology, forensics, environmental, food safety and many more Ian Jardine reviews “state of the art” in the portfolio – the LTQ Orbitrap Velos Unmatched ultrahigh resolution, accurate mass performance 3
Orbitrap FTMS Makarov A. Anal. Chem. 2000, 72, 1156-1162.
Orbitrap Mass Analyzer Features Fundamental difference to other HRAM instruments Parameter measured is frequency, not time/voltage/current Resolution allows more accurate m/z determination Less prone to ambient conditions changes Usually stable within <2 ppm during several days No need for lock mass in “routine work” Small footprint Easy to setup
How accurate is your mass? Mass accuracy Quadrupole MS Orbitrap MS TOF MS
Selectivity increases with higher mass accuracy 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 9.0 9.2 9.4 9.6 9.8 10.0 10.2 10.4 10.6 Time (min) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Relative Abundance RT: 8.45 9.29 8.72 8.67 8.99 8.78 9.11 8.21 7.85 8.83 8.13 7.62 7.59 7.81 8.10 8.35 7.38 7.33 7.27 9.46 10.61 10.50 9.50 10.34 10.16 9.64 10.09 NL: 1.25E5 m/z= 484.20567- 484.30253 F: FTMS {1,0} + p APCI Full ms [300.00-850.00] MS pivo_5_UH 100 ppm 20 ppm 2 ppm 8.25 7.40 7.37 7.92 7.99 8.61 7.30 7.26 8.88 10.31 NL: 1.20E5 484.24441- 484.26379 F: FTMS 8.55 7.49 7.91 7.76 7.41 7.67 484.25313- 484.25507 F: FTMS *Zachariasova M et al, Anal. Chim. Acta
Resolution (resolving power) m (FWHM) m 10% Quadrupole MS Orbitrap MS
Does resolution matter? RAFA 2013: Łukasz Rajski, María del Mar Gómez Ramos, Amadeo R. Fernández-Alba; EURL for Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables. Pesticide Residue Research Group. University of Almeria, Spain. e-mail: amadeo@ual.es
Orbitrap Mass Analyzer Q Exactive MS - a 3D view Hyperbolic Quadrupole Mass filter HCD Cell Orbitrap Mass Analyzer C-Trap RF-Lens
Q Exactive FS-ddMS2 screening process Full Scan MS Data: Screening/Quantitation Ion Accumulation Full Scan Orbitrap Analysis Inclusion List Precursor Selection Precursor accumulation Full Scan MS/MS Data: Confirmation Fragmentation in HCD MS2 Orbitrap Analysis
Multi-residue screening by Q Exactive LC-MS Complete solution for quantitiative analysis of LC amenable compounds Implementation method for most relevant pesticides/mycotoxins and pyrrolizidine alkaloids covering different chemistries In 3 relevant matrices Critical evaluation of established method performance criteria vs. current regulation In today’s presentation we aim to demonstrate a complete workflow solution for quantitative analysis of pesticide residues taking into account both relevant legislative and high throughput sample analysis requirements and challenges. We are going to demonstrate how easily and quickly a complete and ready-to-use workflow can be implemented and applied for routine multi-residue analysis with the latest GC-MS/MS technology. For this reason we have selected 140 GC amenable pesticide compounds covering different physico-chemical characteristics including known problematic compounds and three matrices which are typically measured in routine analytical laboratories. These were strawberry referring to high water content and acidic character matrix, leek as high water and chlorophyl containing and wheat flour as low water, moderate fat containing matrix with high starch/protein content. A complete in-house validation has been conducted for the implemented method and method perfomance parameters were established for all target compounds and matrices. These values were then compared to the current legislative requirements as proof of fit for purpose criteria. strawberry leek wheat flour
Quechers extraction Extraction Analysis 10 g of homogenized sample is weight into Quechers extraction tube + 20 mL of water + 10 mL of ACN Extraction shaking 10 min Centrifugation 5 min @ 5000 rpm Analysis
UHPLC instrumental method Thermo ScientificTM UltiMate® 3000 RSLC : column: Accucore aQ 100 mm x 2.1 mm x 2.6 µm Column oven T: 25 °C Injection Volume: 1 µL Mobile phase A: Water/MeOH (98:2) 5mM Ammonium formate, 0.1% FA Mobile phase B: Water/MeOH (2:98) 5mM Ammonium formate, 0.1% FA Flow rate: 300 µL/min The complete analytical method was directly imported as ready to use acquisition and process file including settings for more than 600 target compounds from Thermo Fisher source directly into the TraceFinder control software. For sample injection splitless PTV injection with 75°C inlet temperature, 3 min transfer time, 300°C transfer temperature and 1.2 ml/min flow rate and 1 ul injection volume was applied. On the GC site 1.2 ml/min He flow was applied on the TG-5 SilMs GC column; the relevant temperature gradient setting is shown in the figure in left bottom of the slide – the total run time was 35 min excluding the time needed for cooling down and equilibrating the instrument which took only few min.
Q Exactive Conditions – ddMS2 experiment Q-ExactiveTM MS conditions: Spray voltage 3800V, Capillary temperature 295°C, sheath gas 32 au, Aux gas 7 au, S-lens RF level 55 Full MS/data dependent MS2 full MS:resolution 70,000 FWHM scan range 120-1200 m/z ddMS2: resolution 35,000 FWHM Inclusion list on isolation 1 m/z exclusion 5 s List of 556 target analytes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 … 556
TraceFinderTM Screening Data Review Isotopes Target analytes Fragments Chromatogram Library Spectrum
Thermo EFS Screening Database: 1729 substances Targeted screening in “known RT” compounds Untargeted in the rest of database (RT not known)
Screening Example – Acetamiprid in honey sample
Acetamiprid confirmation Isotopic Pattern + Main fragment
Acetamiprid details Sample – determined concentration 5.3 ug/kg Standard 50 ug/kg Sample MS2 spectra Standard MS2 spectra
Isotopic pattern fitting is influenced by resolution
Q Exactive Focus: Introducing vDIA Variable Data independent acquisition (vDIA) acquires MS2 spectra systematically and independent of previously acquired scans You obtain: complete record of data very good reproducibility high throughput comprehensive quantification acquisition methods with quantitative information no requirement for detailed sample knowledge prior to data acquisition Your routinely acquired data is ready to go for any non-target screening approach In contrast to well known and widely used data dependent MS2 acquisition (ddMS2), data independent acquisition techniques will provide a complete record of data. This way unknown or suspected components can be confirmed by fragmentation data in a retrospective way even after years. This is possible already by application of full scan / all ion fragmentation data acquisition (FS / AIF), but here the sensitivity of significant fragments can be significantly reduced compared to the full scan. DIA basically slices the AIF scan range into smaller chunks, so the dynamic range of every chunk is improved. This enhances the sensitivity of these fragments to a level comparable to the preceding full scan. Additionally, the selectivity of specific fragments improves at the same time, getting close to the selectivity of ddMS2 scans. On the other hand, DIA scanning does not need any specific setup with respect to the components analyzed, so one generic method serves for the analysis of a very wide range compounds. So no changes at all have to be made with respect of the individual analysis run, no time lost.
Variable DIA – alternative to All Ions Fragmentation Traditional AIF Variable Data Independent Analysis Presented by P Zomer, RIKILT at EPRW 2014:
AIF vs. vDIA Oxacillin in Pig Kidney @ 2 ppb AIF vDIA background Here AIF fails completely because of even stronger complexity, while with DIA still clear confirmation with three fragments is achieved. Even ddMS2 doesn’t do better. vDIA
Running 380 Compounds with the Q Exactive Focus Data Dependent-MS2 vDIA Quan/Qual Quantitation Targeted Screening # of targeted compounds Total: 380 345 Pesticides, 35 Mycotoxins and Alkaloids Selectivity Retention time, fragment ions, ion ratios, isotope ratio, library match Linearity – working range [ppb] 1-500 (6 levels and 2 replicates) Matrix Black Tea/Honey Sample Prep Buffered QuEChERS method clean-up made by MgSO4, PSA and C18 Goal of the project: to compare Solvent and black tea 35 – mycotoxins and alcalides
vDIA in targeted screening 5 parameters for identification or confirmation (HR m/z, RT, isotopic pattern, fragments, library search) Search results in different libraries # of compound identified @10 ppb 84% 16%
Peaks in honey sample spiked to 1ppb vDIA sensitivity in honey 80% 20% Number of compounds with <1ppb sensitivity Peaks in honey sample spiked to 1ppb
345 target pesticides in tea matrix Data still being processed % of positive responses (green=yes) Recovery checked at 2 concentration levels for 5 replicates
A New Chapter in GC-MS Thermo Scientific Q Exactive GC Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap GC-MS/MS System Offering Unprecedented Depth in GC-MS Analysis Hugely powerful HR/AM performance for GC-MS Uncompromised quantitative and qualitative capability Reliable, robust and easy to operate Put simply, these limitations in GC-MS analysis do not apply any more with the arrival of Orbitrap technology to GC The Q Exactive GC provides unique view of your samples, a view not possible with other technologies The system provides hugely powerful high resolution-accurate mass in full scan MS and MS/MS analyses As well as the quantitative power up there with the best triple quadrupoles, in terms of sensitivity, precision and linear range It is also, very easy to use!
Bringing GC and Orbitrap Technology Together AQT Quadrupole Bent Flatapole C-TRAP HCD Cell ExtractaBrite™ Ion Source Thermo Scientific™ ExtractaBrite™ ION SOURCE Robust, rugged electron impact (EI) and chemical ionization (CI) performance – proven in routine applications in the Thermo Scientific™ ISQ™ and TSQ 8000 series GC-MS systems. Fully removable without breaking vacuum for maintenance or switching to chemical ionization (CI). Also exchangeable for a unique source plug, making GC columns easily exchanged, without venting the MS system BENT FLATAPOLE For lowest possible noise and maximum robustness ADVANCED QUADRUPOLE TECHNOLOGY (AQT) High transmission of selected masses for low-level detection and quantitation of low abundance compounds in highly complex matrices C-TRAP Curved linear trap for precise ion injection—delivers excellent in-spectrum dynamic range and ensures outstanding HR/AM performance across a wide range of concentrations through automatic gain control (AGC) HCD COLLISION CELL Higher-energy collisional dissociation for MS/MS characterization of ions—used in combination with chemical ionization to help elucidate chemical structures ORBITRAP MASS ANALYZER Incredible resolving power up to 120,000 FWHM at m/z 200, sub-ppm mass accuracy with a high acquisition rate, driving unrivalled spectral quality Orbitrap Mass Analyzer
Breakthrough in GC-MS Performance Highest selectivity and confidence with high resolving power Unrivalled Resolving Power Up to 120k @ m/z 200 Allows excellent selectivity in complex matrix, maintaining confidence in detection and identification Drives highly resolved data sets and high capacity peak detection Fast scanning Orbitrap for well defined, reproducible GC peaks Slide
Breakthrough in GC-MS Performance Highest selectivity and confidence with high resolving power Chlorprophram 10 ng/g QuEChERS extract of leek Full scan with resolving power of >30k (FWHM @ m/z 200) provides interference free detection Excellent mass accuracy for confident identification Chlorphropham in leak at 10ng/g extracted using QuEChERS XIC shows resolution values of 60k and 120k, providing interference-free, confident detection with excellent mass accuracy.
High resolving power crucial to avoid false negatives Pesticides screening High resolving power crucial to avoid false negatives Secure screening 5 ppm identification threshold Higher resolving power allows confident detection and identification Mid- resolution of 15k causes false negatives Q Exactive GC routinely operates at 60k (FWHM @ m/z 200) False negatives at 15,000 RP Graph showing the lowest detected standard for 55 pesticides in horse feed. Identification based on accurate mass <2ppm and retention time ±20 seconds. Half MRL limit (5 ppb) and MRL (10 ppb) displayed.
Breakthrough in GC-MS Performance Highest selectivity and confidence with high resolving power Fast acquisitions Important for accurate profiling of narrow GC peaks Full scan with resolving power of 60 (FWHM @ m/z 200) generates 17 scans Fast enough for GC! XIC of dieldrin in baby food (m/z 262.85642) 100ppb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 60,000 RP (m/z 200) 2.4 s peak 17 scans 7 Hz acquisition The peak width is representative of GC peaks that are typically 2-4 s
Breakthrough in GC-MS Performance Consistently excellent mass accuracy < 1ppm (internal) < 3ppm (external) Scan-to-scan Low level in matrix Over full mass range Over full concentration range No need for continuously calibrating in sequence Scan to-scan XIC of dieldrin in baby food (m/z 262.85642) 100ppb 60,000 RP (m/z 200) 2.4 s peak 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.5 ppm RMS SLIDE – consistently excellent mass accuracy – from all angles… Scan to scan, matrix, mass range, concentration CLICK This capability allows data to be confidently extracted with small extraction widows of 2ppm and less which ensures high selectivity. 16 scans/peak, peak width 2.4 sec
Breakthrough in GC-MS Performance Consistently excellent mass accuracy Mass accuracy over >6 orders Hexachlorobenzene 0.2 – 250,000 ng/mL Mass accuracy within 1 ppm Orbitrap spectral fidelity independent of concentration Over full concentration range Accurate mass is also very good over a wide range of concentrations Data courtesy of Hans Mol and Marc Tienstra, RIKILT
Is it sensitive enough? Q Exactive GC vs. Triple Q
Breakthrough in GC-MS Performance Unprecedented quantitation power for HR/AM GC-MS SRM Full Scan Summary of instrument detection limit for 150 pesticides when using the Q Exactive GC(in full scan – 60k) and the TSQ 8000 Eco (in SRM)analyzing a mixed vegetable matrix Detection levels for both well below the MRL levels Comparable detection limits between instruments. Achieved with a fast GC separation all compounds eluting <10 mins
Compound Discovery and Identification Tracefinder: automated compound detection and identification Peak detection Spectral deconvolution Library searching (e.g. NIST, Wiley, custom) % TIC explained using elemental composition and accurate mass filtering Within Tracefinder the Q Exactive GC takes advantage of a novel software tool that fully automates the discovery and identification of compounds. First it performs: Peak detection….
Automated Workflow for Accurate Mass Confirmation Unknown Identification Workflow Spectral Deconvolution on EI HRAM Data Spectral Library Search Scoring Additional High Resolution Scoring m/z = 275.11298 m/z = 275.11298 This accurate mass confirmation of the unit mass library search can be automated so that the process is not time intensive to the analyst. Note that adding spectral deconvolution to the beginning of the process can insure a clean spectra is used to perform the library search. In the case shown on this slide, the first hit of the unit mass spectral library cannot produce an ion that is within the mass tolerance of the acquired ion at m/z 275.11298. After rescoring based on this accurate mass consideration, bis (TBDMS) malonate is determined to be the correct hit, as it can produce fragments that match the acquired accurate mass data within the mass tolerance of the instrument at all masses including m/z 275.11298. C11H23O4Si2 m/z = 275.11294
Horse feed detection limit Pesticides screening Horse feed detection limit Graph showing the lowest detected standard for 55 pesticides in horse feed. Identification based on accurate mass <2ppm and retention time ±20 seconds. Half MRL limit (5 ppb) and MRL (10 ppb) displayed. 100 % detected at MRL level Majority at ½ MRL
(triplicate at each level) Pesticides screening Quantitation Curve from 0.5 to 50 ng/g (triplicate at each level) R2=0.9999 TraceFinder software view of the extracted ion chromatograms and calibration curve for fenpropimorph in leek. Triplicate injections of the calibration series were performed with excellent linearity. Fenpropimorph calibration curve in leek matrix. For all pesticides, the coefficient of determination (R2) was >0.99 with an average value of R2 = 0.997
Complete solution for total pesticide analysis Q Exactive Focus Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap LC-MS/MS System Q Exactive GC Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap GC-MS/MS System