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Presentation transcript:


Hopes-to-Catch-a-Glimpse-of-the-Big-Bang-2.jpg/ Particles must be massive enough to have enough energy to form Higgs Bosons. Top Quarks are the preferred particles, but are not commonly found in nature. Top quarks can be formed through the collision of gluons. Gluons and up and down quarks are found in protons, so by the collision of protons we can collide gluons. How do we see the Higgs?

Two gluons are collided to form top quarks which are then used to generate a Higgs. Higgs decays into W-boson pair. Which then decays to photons. Higgs decays in bottom quark pair. Which then decays to photons _F1.html

Accounting for events and what could generate them. Formation of γ γ, photon pairs. (UC Berkley) Formation of 4 electrons or muons. (UC Berkley) Formation of W-Boson Pairs. (Dreiner) Determining the mass of the particle that would generate the different events. Ruling out known particles that would generate other events. Looking for the “anomaly.” (BBC)

LEP (2003)FermiLab (2010) LHC (2011)

-new-particle-mass-125-gev 2012 data run was focused in the mass range between 114 GeV and 145 GeV. Data collected from both CMS (Bottom Left) and ATLAS (Bottom Right) show anomalies between GeV.