Growth and Development Professor of Pediatrics University of Minnesota of the NICU Graduate Michael K. Georgieff, M.D. Professor of Pediatrics & Child Development University of Minnesota
Prematurity in the U.S. In the year 2000: 7.6% of infants born weighed less than 2500 grams 1.4% weighed less than 1500 grams Infant mortality dropped to 6.9 per 1000 births Last 8 years, prematurity rates have increased Role of multiples (IVF) < 37 weeks’ gestation = Premature 1500 to 2500 grams = Low Birth Weight only slightly elevated risk for lasting psychological difficulties < 1500 grams = Very Low Birth Weight 25% develop severe psychological sequelae (CP, MR) 25% develop mild to moderate problems (reduced achievement, ADHD) Growing public health concern because a small percentage of the population consumes a disproportionate share of limited medical and special education resources Plasticity of preterm brain: Is prematurity alone enough to alter brain development? (experience-expectant) Or is brain development influenced more by biological & environmental factors (experience-dependent) 3
Cognitive Development of Premies in Infancy/Early Childhood Theme: Within the normal range, but significantly lower than full term comparisons Specific abilities: immature patterns of visual attention memory mostly intact but subtle impairments slight working memory advantage Attention longer familiarization periods longer fixation periods more pauses fewer shifts of gaze between stimuli Memory lower novelty scores (possibly related to reduced speed of processing) comparable recall for individual actions reduced recall for temporal order of pairs of actions Working Memory mildly preterm infants more successful at longer delays on the AB task effects lost when not corrected for prematurity - premies may benefit from extra experience 4
Cognitive Development of Premies in Middle Childhood/Adolescence Themes: IQ drops with birth weight & GA < 2500 g = No MR, no group diffs. in IQ < 1500 g = Roughly 10 points below mean < 750 g = Roughly 20 points below mean Specific deficits: expressive language - memory sustained attention - working memory visual-spatial abilities - set shifting Incidence of neurological handicap remains stable - Higher rate of MR than in gen. pop incidence of minor neurodevelopmental impairment increases with age 20% to 59% from 1 to 14 Rose & Feldman found IQ to be associated w/ composite measures of memory & processing speed - accounted for sig. chunk of variance btwn groups for IQ Expressive language delays in language onset, speech therapy, verbal reasoning, verbal fluency Attention - rarely tested explicitly, mostly elevated rates of ADHD inattentive Memory - at best, selective deficits (pattern recognition, spatial memory span, everyday/episodic memory) At worst - uniform impairments in visual & verbal, immediate & delayed Spatial working memory - more errors, less strategy Set shifting - verbal fluency, Trails B 5
The Vulnerable Preterm Brain Rapidly growing tissue exaggerated effect of any insult vulnerability outweighs “plasticity” Vascular instability of the germinal matrix Watershed areas (periventricular area) Selective regional metabolic vulnerability (hippocampus)
Major Factors Influencing Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Preterm Infants 1. Degree of Prematurity 2. Size for Dates (SGA) 3. Intraventricular hemorrhage 4. Periventricular Leukomalacia 5. Socio-economic Status 6. Postnatal Nutrition
Major Factors Influencing Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Preterm Infants 1. Degree of Prematurity 2. Size for Dates (SGA) 3. Intraventricular hemorrhage 4. Periventricular Leukomalacia 5. Socio-economic Status 6. Postnatal Nutrition
Percent 10 1 0.1 0.01 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 Gestation (week) FIG 59-2. Occurrence of spastic diplegia as related to gestational age.
<750 g <750 - 1499 g Born at term Children In Group (%)
Outcome of 401-1000g Infants Vohr et al, 2000 NICHD Network 1151 infants evaluated at 18 months 25% with abnormal neurologic exam 37% with Bayley II MDI <70 29% with Bayley II PDI<70 Grim news. Is it representative?
Factors Influencing Neurdevelopmental Outcome in Preterm Infants 1. Degree of Prematurity 2. Size for Dates (SGA) 3. Intraventricular Hemorrhage 4. Periventricular Leukomalacia 5. Socio-economic Status 6. Postnatal Nutrition
Effect of Size for Dates Term Infants: National Collaborative Prenatal Data Base 6.8 point IQ deficit at 7y compared to case controls No deficit compared to AGA sibs Preterm Infants: with and without postnatal malnutrition 8 point deficit on 1y MDI if postnatal malnutrition > 2 weeks
Factors Influencing Neurdevelopmental Outcome in Preterm Infants 1. Degree of Prematurity 2. Size for Dates (SGA) 3. Intraventricular Hemorrhage 4. Periventricular Leukomalacia 5. Socio-economic Status 6. Postnatal Nutrition
Incidence of Major Handicap with IVH in <1500g Infants No Hemorrhage: <10% Grade I or II IVH: 12% Grade III IVH: 36% Grade IV IVH: 75% Is it the lesion or the associated circumstances?
Factors Influencing Neurdevelopmental Outcome in Preterm Infants 1. Degree of Prematurity 2. Size for Dates (SGA) 3. Intraventricular Hemorrhage 4. Periventricular Leukomalacia 5. Socio-economic Status 6. Postnatal Nutrition
Periventricular Leukomalacia Hypoxic-ischemic etiology Periventricular echodensities are common on early ultrasound and are not prognostic >2mm cysts at 1 month are 95% predictive of CP if lesions extend from anterior to posterior Most common CP is spastic diplegia
Factors Influencing Neurdevelopmental Outcome in Preterm Infants 1. Degree of Prematurity 2. Size for Dates (SGA) 3. Intraventricular Hemorrhage 4. Periventricular Leukomalacia 5. Socio-economic Status 6. Postnatal Nutrition
Moderating Factors For the youngest and smallest infants: biological factors best predict long-term outcomes For the moderately preterm: biological factors related to early developmental status, but decline in influence environmental factors become important after first year of life Extremely preterm/low birth weight infants more severe medical complications, worse prognosis, less likely to “catch up” with development Moderately preterm infants when predictive, usually as composite measures of neurobiological risk Environmental factors Effects of perinatal risk tend to attenuate over time unless caretaking environment is also compromised Sociodemographic risk & quality of home environment become significant at age 2 and 3.6 (not at 1) Biological risk - declines in importance, predicts mainly motor outcomes Environmental risk related to motor, cognitive & social & became stronger with time Environmental factors can be protective as well as risky 6
Home Environment and the Brain The quality of a child’s home environment is associated with global cognitive outcomes Experience with a stimulating environment has been shown to promote synaptogenesis Experience with a stimulating environment also is related to better performance on a range of learning tasks Quality of home environment is determined by such features as: level of stimulation availability of toys & learning materials density of people in the home Greenough’s complex environment may not tell us the effects of true “enrichment”, but does suggest that an adequate level of stimulation, relative to isolation, leads to: increased volume, weight, & thickness in visual cortex more complex dendritic arborization, increased spine density higher number of synapses per neuron higher rate of survival for new neurons in dentate up-regulation of nerve growth factors in CA1 Improved performance on learning tasks thought to be related to enhanced capacity for learning utilize wider range of cues to solve cognitive problems more efficient information processing 9
Major Factors Influencing Neurdevelopmental Outcome in Preterm Infants 1. Degree of Prematurity 2. Size for Dates (SGA) 3. Intraventricular Hemorrhage 4. Periventricular Leukomalacia 5. Socio-economic Status 6. Postnatal Nutrition
General Principles The goal of nutritional management of the sick or premature infant in the first months of life is to promote normal growth velocity and body composition relative to age matched, healthy infants
Prematures: Evidence for Post-Discharge Nutrient Deficits Poor first year growth (protein-energy) Poorer developmental outcome-related to growth failure Persistant ostepenia (calcium, phosphorus) Anemia (Iron) Little data on other nutrients
Effect of Mild to Severe Postnatal Malnutrition on Head Growth in the NICU and at One-Year Follow-up
Effect of No Prenatal and Mild Postnatal Malnutrition on Head Size and Development No DQ Differences
Effect of No Prenatal and Moderate Postnatal Malnutrition on Head Size and Development 3 point DQ difference
The effect of combined pre- and postnatal malnutrition on neonatal and follow-up head growth
Effect of Pre and Postnatal Malnutrition on Head Size and Development -8 DQ Points
The effect of chronic illness (BPD) on weight gain and head growth
Control Weight z-score BPD Postnatal Age (weeks) 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 Weight -1 -2 -3 -4 Weight Control BPD Weight z-score 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Postnatal Age (weeks) deRegnier et al, 1996
OFC Z-score 1 -1 -2 -3 -4 Postnatal Age (weeks) Head Circumference -1 -2 -3 -4 Head Circumference OFC Z-score 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Postnatal Age (weeks) deRegnier et al, 1996
How Do Our Infants Get So Far Behind?
Ehrenkranz et al. Reproduced with permission from Pediatrics, Vol 104:280-289, Copyright 1999 by the AAP
Canadian Pediatric Society: Stages of Growth in Preterms Stage 1: Transition (0-10d) Stage 2: Stable premie grower (10d-d/c) Stage 3: Post-discharge (d/c-?) Is there evidence for different nutritional requirements at each stage ? Physiology of the infant at each stage would suggest YES!
3. Post-discharge 2. Premie Grower 1.Early
Transition - Negative N balance; increased energy needs First days of life Sick Catabolic - Negative N balance; increased energy needs - ?insulin resistant; counter-regulatory hormones Nutrient sources TPN+minimal feeds Goal: Reduce losses - Can they grow?
How We Get To Stage 3: Effects of Stage 1 Neonatal illness affects protein, energy, calcium, phosphorus, Na/K/CI, iron status Energy requirements increase proportionately to respiratory distress Protein losses increase with sepsis Total daily protein needs are 3.2 g/kg/d; i.e. sum of: - Intrauterine accretion rate (1.4 g/kg/d) - Catabolic losses (1.8 g/kg/d)
Preemie Growth Phase 10 days to 34 weeks post-conception - Start time varies based on severity of illness (maybe 30 days or more) Stable, post-neonatal illness (e.g. RDS) Anabolic-unique gut physiology Nutrient source: PT formula or fortified human milk - Typically, accrued deficits not taken into account
Effects of Stage 2 Current recommendation likely to be underestimates - Reference fetal growth rate likely to be low (18-20 v. 10-15 g/kg/d) - Higher energy delivery needed to achieve true fetal growth rate (>130 kcal/kg/d) - Higher protein delivery needed to support higher energy delivery (3.2-3.8 g/kg/d) Estimates assume no interruption of growth during Phase 1
Nutritional Status at Discharge: Effects of Stage 1 + 2 Protein-energy malnutrition - Cumulative energy deficit: 1000 kcal/kg - Cumulative protein deficit: 25 grams/kg - 2000 grams at 37 weeks Demineralization - Cumulative calcium deficit Variable iron status Undocumented nutrients - Cu, Zn, Mg, I, Se, vitamins
Can this pattern of postnatal growth failure be reversed? Very preterm infants have minimal nutritional reserves Once a preterm infant develops growth failure it is very difficult to recoup the growth loss There are few data regarding how to early avoid postnatal malnutrition, let alone how to reverse existing growth failure
Post-Discharge Phase After 34 weeks PCA Healthy, stable (some with CLD) Anabolic-gut physiology more typical of term infant Nutrient Source: Several possibilities - Unfortified HM, fortified HM, term formula, PT formula, follow-up formula Continued growth at term infant rates +recovery from deficits A TALL ORDER
Nutritional Sources: Human Milk Gold standard for term infants Needs to be fortified for preterms How does it match needs of discharged preterm infant?
Human Milk: Advantages Immunologic/infectious Intellectual Protection from future disease Protection of mother from future disease Psychological benefits Benefits documented in term infants; which also apply to preterms?
Human Milk: Concerns Low energy density: can the discharged preemie consume enough volume to make up for density? Low Ca/P content: longer catch-up of demineralized bones Low Na content: is infant home on diuretics?
Human Milk: Fortification or Supplementation after Discharge Advantages - Insures energy, protein, mineral, vitamin delivery when intake volume is low - Improves weight gain, head growth and mineralization during Phase 2; is there carryover to Phase 3?
Human Milk: Fortification or Supplementation Disadvantages - Commits infant to bottle feeding - Potentially “jeopardizes” breastfeeding entirely - Supplementation dilutes positive factors in human milk
Human Milk: Selective Supplementation/Fortification Healthy LBW infants typically will not need supplementation if mother’s milk supply is adequate (>350 ml/day for 2kg infant at discharge) - More energy stores at birth - Less malabsorption - Less fluid overload issues - More complete Ca and Fe stores
Human Milk: Selective Supplementation/Fortification VLBW, and especially ELBW, will likely need fortification or supplementation after discharge - Larger accrued deficit (more need for catch-up) - Lower mineral and iron stores - More dysfunctional feeders (weaker, longer intubation takes smaller volumes) - Eats to volume rather than to calories (early after discharge) Infants with BPD, short gut
Premature Discharge Formula Represents hybrid/transitional formula assuming preterm infant is “turning into” term infant
Preterm Discharge Formula: Advantages Acknowledges transition in intestinal physiology Energy delivery adjustable based on volume concerns Supplemental in nutrients likely to have large deficits - Energy, protein, Ca/P Better Phase 3 growth than term formula
Preterm Discharge Formula: Concerns Estimate most likely needs of discharged prematures - Wide variation in nutrient needs/deliverability in this population (e.g. Fe) Still undermined duration of use - Safety - nutrient overload - Efficacy - when is it just as good as term? Unknown long term growth and neurodevelopment effect - Does it make a difference?
What to Feed Healthy LBW Infants Healthy LBW infants should receive human milk whenever possible - Group most likely to show catch-up without supplementation If not human milk, they can receive term formula - Will still need closer and earlier nutritional monitoring than term infants
What to Feed Healthy VLBW Infants VLBW’s can breastfeed but need to show - Steady growth, crossing percentiles (catch-up) - Adequate mineralization - Adequate iron status Supplement or fortify if - Growth is slow (< curve or no catch-up0 - Persistent demineralization - ELBW or has BPD
Supplementation Fortification of Breastfed Prematures Assuming fortification at end of hospitalization, continue fortifying (and bottle feeding the milk) or supplementing with premature discharge formula at least 2x/day Monitor growth, BUN, prealbumin to decide whether to increase or decrease frequency of dosing
What to Feed VLBW Infants If exclusively formula fed, VLBW's and ELBW's should go home on premature discharge formula rather than term formula Transfer to term formula should be considered after monitoring shows improvement in nutritional deficits (I.e. catch-up growth, mineralization
Monitoring The key on what to feed and how long is monitoring Hall and Ehrenkranz have proposed a 1 month post-discharge assessment, mostly for breastfed but also high risk (e.g. ELBW, BPD) formula fed infants Monitor indices reflect nutritional areas of highest risk - Protein-energy, bone mineralization, iron
Nutritional Screening Assessment Performed 4 - 6 weeks post -hospital D/C: Growth Action Values Weight gain < 25 g/day Length growth < 1 cm/wk HC growth < 0.5 cm/wk (from Hall, 2000)
Nutritional Screening Assessment Performed 4 - 6 weeks post -hospital D/C: Biochemical Test Action Values Phosphorus < 4.5 mg/dL Alkaline phosphatase > 450 IU/L BUN < 5 mg/dL Prealbumin < 10 mg/dL Retinol binding protein < 2.5 mg/dL (from Hall, 2000)
Summary Nutritional status is still a major issue at discharge for preterm infants The post-discharge needs are dictated by the nutritional risks incurred during hospitalization
Summary Although physiologically mature, the small preterm infant requires higher deliver of energy, protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron than his conceptional age adjusted term counterpart Discharge formulas and fortification of human milk address these issues better than term formula
*values represent average among 2 or more products **”Delivery” calculated at 150 cc/kg/day ***5-10x higher bioavailability than from cow milk based formula
* values represent average among 2 or more products ** “Delivery” calculated at 150 cc/kg/day