T OPIC 6.6- H ORMONES, H OMEOSTASIS, AND R EPRODUCTION Shefali Waghray, Josh Russell, Reina Budesa Period 1.


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Presentation transcript:

T OPIC 6.6- H ORMONES, H OMEOSTASIS, AND R EPRODUCTION Shefali Waghray, Josh Russell, Reina Budesa Period 1

V OCABULARY Homeostasis Hormone Insulin Thyroxin Leptin Melatonin Glucagon Blood Glucose Diabetes Testis Scrotum Epididymis Vas deferens Prostate gland Penis Urethra Ovaries Fallopian tubes Uterus Endometrium Cervix Vagina In vitro fertilization (IVF) Hormone Therapy

H OMEOSTASIS Homeostasis- the control process that maintains the conditions within the body ● Initiated by the nervous system and endocrine system The body stays within certain variables: ● Blood pH ● CO2 concentration ● Blood glucose concentration ● Body Temperature- 37˚ C or 98.7˚F ● Water Balance ● Virtual Lab: ontrol/ ontrol/

H ORMONES AND T HEIR F UNCTIONS Thyroxin- ● Secreted in the thyroid gland ● Regulates temperature and increases the metabolic rate Leptin- ● Produced in the fat tissue of the body ● Increases appetite when fat reserves are low Melatonin- ● Secreted by the pineal gland ● Regulates 24-hour cycle of activity (circadian rhythm) ● Virtual Lab: Physiogames/endocrineed.html Physiogames/endocrineed.html

I NSULIN Both hormones are produced by pancreas Insulin- ●Produced by beta cells ●Secreted into the bloodstream ●Insulin opens protein channels in the cell’s plasma membrane ●Channels allows glucose to diffuse into cell ●If blood is high in glucose, it enters the liver by the hepatic vein ●The excess glucose converts into glycogen ●Lowers glucose concentration

Glucagon Produced and secreted by alpha cells in pancreas Produced when glucose concentration is below optimum level Glucagon hydrolyzes glycogen stored in liver to produce glucose Increase glucose concentration in the bloodstream

Type I Diabetes ●Autoimmune disease - Body attacks own beta cells ●Beta Cells do not produce sufficient insulin ●Controlled by the injection of insulin at appropriate times ●Develops mostly in children and young adults

HUMAN REPRODUCTION Male gamete (sperm) + female gamete (egg) = zygote Ensures genetic variation in species Female reproductive system ensures a location for fertilization ●Provides an environment for the growth of embryo ●Virtual Lab: ites/common_assets/scie nce/virtual_labs/grade8/L S26/LS26.html ites/common_assets/scie nce/virtual_labs/grade8/L S26/LS26.html

Type II Diabetes ●Body cell receptors do not respond properly to insulin Effects of uncontrolled diabetes ●Kidney Failure ●Nerve Damage ●Increased risk of cardiovascular disease ●Poor wound healing ●Possibly gangrene leading to amputation ●Associated with: Genetic History Obesity Lack of Exercise Advanced age

Male Reproductive System Testis- produces semen Epididymis- where sperm is received Scrotum- sacs that hold the tests so sperm occurs at a cooler temperature Vas deferens-carries sperm Seminal vesicles- produce and add seminal fluid to semen Prostate gland- produces seminal fluid Penis- becomes erect to facilitate ejaculation Urethra- tube that leads semen out of the penis

Female Reproductive System Ovaries- Produce and secrete estrogen Fallopian Tubes- carry the early embryo to the uterus Uterus- early embryo implants here Endometrium- inner lining of the uterus Cervix- lower portion of the uterus Vagina- tube that leads from external genitals to the cervix

Puberty Growth of facial, underarm, chest and pubic hair Enlargement of larynx Increased muscle mass Enlargement of the penis Enlargement of breasts Growth of pubic and underarm hair Widening of hips Start the menstrual cycle MaleFemale

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Hormone Therapy IVF- reproductive technology where an egg is removed from a woman and is then fertilised by a sperm in a tube. This process produces an embryo which then divides. Some couples are unable to bear children for seasons like: ●Males with low sperm counts ●Males with impotence (failure to achieve erection) ●Females who cannot ovulate normally ●Females with blocked Fallopian Tubes Hormone therapy helps to maximize the number of ova that a woman has