ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 Opening Session: Welcome [G. Kohlhammer] Workshop Objectives and Organisation [H. Laur] Commissioning Phase: overall status [J. Louet] Spacecraft and FOS: status/performances [A. Rudolph] Instruments: status/performances [G. Levrini] PDS: status/performances [P. Gilles]
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 Workshop Objectives Workshop Organisation
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 The objectives of the Envisat Validation Workshop are: to review the Level 2 product algorithms using the results of the validation campaigns, to review the geophysical consistency of the Level 2 processor products, to provide an error estimation of the Level 2 products, where needed, to recommend instrument re-calibration and algorithm development. Workshop objectives The Envisat Validation Workshop will review the first results of the validation of the Envisat geophysical data.
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 The validation activities will continue after the workshop,throughout the entire mission lifetime. More specifically, the main validation phase (i.e. with intensive validation activities) will be completed in 2003, whereas the long term validation phase will be associated to e.g. algorithm improvement or instrument degradation. Specific validation workshops will be held (on a per instrument basis) all throughout Ideally a draft schedule will drawn up during the workshop. A ERS/ENVISAT Symposium is now planned for March/April Validation activities after the Workshop
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 During the next 6 months, ESA will concentrate on : - providing the data corresponding to the validation campaigns (e.g balloon campaign), - processing the complete real-time data, in order to stop the accumulation of un-processed data (e.g. to provide the data corresponding to winter 2003 balloon campaign). Reprocessing of the complete set of data acquired in 2002 (backlog) will be initiated as soon as the PDS is upgraded to allow concurrent real time processing and backlog processing (from July 2003), using updated algorithms. For L1/L2 products, new algorithm versions will be implemented as agreed with Validation Teams and Quality Working Groups, and as operationally possible. L1 reprocessing is foreseen once during the mission. L2 reprocessing of complete archived data will be possible not more than every 1.5 to 2 years, dependant on the data volume. Reprocessing issues
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 Workshop Organisation Tuesday 10Wednesday 11Thursday 12Friday 13 morningafternoonmorningafternoonmorningafternoonmorning Atmosph. Chemistry Validation MIPAS L2GOMOS L2SCIA. L2 Assimilation & satellite intercomp. Ground based techniques Balloon aircraft campaigns Conclusions and recommen- dations (Cal/Val during mission exploitation) MERIS & AATSR Validation MERIS calibration MERIS L2 atm. & land MERIS L2 water MERIS L2 water AATSR validation Altimetry Validation RA-2/MWR /DORIS perfo. Abs. calibration Validation ASAR Instrument & processor perfo. Product quality Wave mode validation Hotel Villa Vecchia ESRIN Workshop Dinner in Rome Bus transport between the hotels and the workshop venue (Hotel Villa Vecchia and ESRIN) will be provided.
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 Quality Working Groups Meeting: Tuesday, 19:00 (ESRIN, Magellan Room) MIPAS SAG: Friday, 9:00 (ESRIN, Room E) GOMOS SAG - postponed Initiative on the South Hemisphere Polar Vortex: [The South Hem. polar stratosphere experienced an exceptional splitting of the Ozone hole in September 2002] Organised by Alan O’Neill and William Lahoz (Univ.of Reading) Friday, 14:30 (ESRIN, Magellan Room) Other meetings
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 Every presenter/author should deliver BOTH a copy of the presentation material (PowerPoint) AND a (typically) 10 page article. Instructions to authors can be found in the workshop web pages. The Proceedings will be published by ESA Publications Division about 2 months after the workshop, as Special Publication SP-531. Workshop proceedings
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 Envisat web site ( direct access to Tools (Enviview, Toolboxes) Data Catalogues Sample Products recent News Image Gallery Product Handbooks
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 First examples of data use 17 November 2002 ASAR Wide Swath 2 December 2002 Prestige tanker oil spill - Galicia
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 Phytoplankton bloom New Foundland - MERIS First examples of data use Sulphur dioxide Zaire - SCIAMACHY
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 First examples of data use From the RA-2/MWR Cross-Calibration and Validation Team RA-2 - Sea Level Anomaly in October 2002
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 ASAR MERIS Small low pressure system in Mediterranean Sea (26 June 2002) Preliminary example of synergy between imaging instruments
ENVISAT Validation Workshop - Frascati - 9–13 December 2002 Hurricane Isidore (September 2002) MERISASAR Yucatan (Mexico) Cuba Cancun Preliminary example of synergy between imaging instruments