- Perry Jones [Group. 3]
The International School of the America’s Sophomore class of 2012, unlike any other sophomore class before it, took a “Travel Experience” to Santa Fe, New Mexico this year.
Travel Experience?
OHHH!!!!... anyways…
Understands how economic systems work within and across nations and regions.
Facet 1
Same money to buy me a Mountain Dew in Texas is the same money that bought me some Pringles in New Mexico. Facet 1
Oh… You wouldn’t? Well I did. But of course that was just my ridiculous mind running around. Facet 1
The People of the Jemez Pueblo make things and their sold at the gift shops for money to keep the Pueblo alive. Facet 1 GIFT SHOP!!!
Understands how technological systems work within and across nations and regions. Facet 2
Wi-Fi worked in the hotel, just like it does at home. The same iPod from Texas works with the Technology in New Mexico. Before the trip I thought that at least the means by which you connect to the Wi-Fi would have been different, but I was wrong. Facet 2
Understands the historical development of major world cultures and their contemporary characteristics, beliefs, and values. Facet 3
What do Museums do the best?! Facet 3
Provide a safe place for old items Bore kids under the age of 14 or Educate people in history Then your right! Facet 3
YAY!!! Facet 3
The exhibits on display at the Palace of Governors shows the history and the ways influence from Indians and the Spanish have influenced the art &religion & beliefs & thing in New Mexico. Facet 3
This was my groups facet and I had a lot of first hand work with it. I could barely decipher what the facet was talking about. But now… well, you can see I understand all of them now Facet 3
I’M ON THE BALL!!! Facet 3
Understands how social systems work within and across nations and regions. Facet 4
in downtown Santa Fe! The individual sellers (Indian sell’s men) Chain Restaurants Initial’s JR for the seller who both made it and sold it Facet 4
I didn’t understand what a social system was before the trip. Facet 4
Understands how environmental systems work within and across nations and regions. Facet 5
New Mexico I saw in a newspaper article I read in New Mexico was saying how New Mexico was switching to a more green and environmentally safe energy source! Sadly I didn’t save it… Before I saw it in New Mexico, I thought every state, like Texas, was hesitant about “greener” energy resource's. Facet 5
Recognizes the role of language within a culture. Facet 6
The people in the Jemez Pueblo had a spoken-only language and it not only was their own language but it was important to them emotionally I think. That’s perhaps why it wasn’t recorded or written down. Don’t worry I did this on purpose Facet 6
Recognizes that resources are limited, consider environmental and economic theories of research use and conservation, and articulate points of view on resource usage. Facet 7
I saw in a bathroom, a flyer talking about conserving water in New Mexico even when there’s no water supply problems. I definitely learned that Texas is the perfect “American” state. And that some politics have the right mindset. I always thought politics for some reason choose the wrong choice. Facet 7
Understands how political systems work within and across nations and regions. Facet 8
They govern themselves, essentially the state and national government have no control over them They have their own laws and government!! Isn’t that Crazy!!!! Facet 8
I would have never thought that you don’t HAVE to follow the rules… their rebels… Facet 8 They can make as many of these as they want!!
Understand the contributions of different cultures to ways of life in the United States. Facet 9
influenced the religion and art found in New Mexico. I had no idea the magnitude of religions influence on art! Facet 9
Travels in order to promote knowledge and tolerance of multiple regions and cultures, and to recognize patterns that are common among all cultures… Facet 10
Throughout the trip we experienced all types of things that were life changing, both large and small. All the things we did helped each one of us grow in knowledge, global awareness, and understanding. Facet 10
Hence el’contin uum