My Trip to Mexico
History-Moctezuma’s Headdress
Culture-Mole and Day of the Dead puebla- mexico.html&h=375&w=500&sz=160&tbnid=L6DaaxPhV1EJ::&tbnh=98&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmole%2Bpoblano%2Bmexico%2B:%2Bimages&hl=en&usg=__pV4d -EcT297ocuDU_Ogz4CjjacQ=&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=1&ct=image&cd=1 cd=1&q=cemetery+dia+de+los+muertos+mexico+%3A+images&spell=1
The Current President Mexico’s new president. The president we wish we never had.
Currency & Exchange Rate
AeroMéxico Flight
The Princess Hotel-Acapulco
I went to see Diego Rivera’s mural of Mexican History in the National Palace.
I went to the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza and saw the Temple of Kulkulkhan.
I went to the main square, or Zócalo in Mexico City. It was huge!
I had so much fun at the Cinco de Mayo reinactment!
I went to the market and saw…
My experience was great! ¡Viva México!