2006 PARIS
International Association of Consulting Actuaries Biennial General Meeting Paris 2 nd June 2006
1.Introduction 2.Apologies 3.Chairman’s report 4.Secretary/Treasurer’s report 5.Amendment to IACA rules 6.Officers for 2006/7 7.New committee members 8.Any other business
IACA committee Adrian Waddingham (UK) (Chairman 2004/6) Brent Walker (Australia) (past chairman) Mike Toothman (US) (vice chairman) Margaret Sherwood (US) (secretary/treasurer) Ron Walker (US) (Executive Director) Ken Buffin (US) (IAA representative) Paul Thornton (UK) (IAA representative) Pauline Durant (Australia) David Oakden (Canada) (Membership chairman) Janina Slawski (South Africa) Segundo Tascon (Mexico) Emmanuel Tassin (France) Alexander Van Stee (Netherlands) Andrew Vaughan (UK) (publications –with Jay Jaffe US) Hideyuki Yoshida (Japan) Horst Zimmermann (Germany)
Chairman’s report IACA’s first colloquium within a Congress! Thanks to Chairmen and speakers at 8 sessions Held regular committee meetings since Sydney in 2004 Carried through a programme of mini-meetings: London (ACA) – North Carolina (CCA) – Indonesia (EAAC) Agreed to help chairman and vice-chairman with expenses Action on newsletters and IACA website Farewell and thanks to Mike Ross and Bjorn Nilsson Thanks to all those on the committee, and the ever-helpful staff at the IAA in Canada Membership drive is now a priority
Coming IACA meetings 2006 –Paris –22-25 October Palm Springs California (CCA) 2007 –London 8 th February (ACA) –Tokyo 9-12 th October (EAAC) –San Antonio, Texas October (CCA) 2008 –IACA Colloquium in North America
Treasurer’s report Finances remain strong Reserves over C$300, accounts audited (as part of the IAA’s annual audit) Annual subscriptions remain at C$40 pa
Amendment to the IACA rules Our new rules as an IAA Section were approved in Sydney in 2004 The IAA have requested a small change: to amend Article 17 Languages- “The official languages of the IACA Section are those of the IAA”
New committee members Morten Harbitz (Norway) Liyaquat Khan (India) Catherine Nance (Australia) The committee elect the officers and they have agreed to propose Mike Toothman of the US as IACA Chairman for 2006/8
Any other business The “Max Lander” Award 2008 meeting Lunch today L’Arc-en-Ciel, Hotel Concorde La Fayette Any other business?