US AP HISTORY Bell Work: 1. Recall the various methods of settlement for each of the major colonial powers… what were the differences in the size, type, interaction with the natives and methods of settling in the New World?
AGENDA TODAY Collect Reading Guides and distribute new reading guides. Grade Mock 25 AP questions Voyage of the Golden Hind… Age of Exploration This Week Days of Destiny Reading… Puritanism British Political Tradition Events leading up and through the French and Indian War
The Golden Age of Exploration Golden Hind Outline the following- save space for each: Age of European Discovery Voyages of Discovery European Exploration Spain France Dutch English Voyage of the Golden Hind
Age of European Discovery Western Europe Prince Henry the Navigator (School of Navigation) Known World / Lure of the East Motives for Discovery
Land route established by Marco Polo (forbidden city) Closure of Constantinople by the Turks 1453 Economic shift from agrarian farming to early capitalism (mercantilism)
Voyagers of Discovery Bartholomew Diaz (Cape of Good Hope) – 1488 Christopher Columbus – 1492 Enterprise of the Indies De Gama (India) – 1498 Magellan (globe) – The Treaty of Tordesillas – 1493 Route of Vasco de Gama
European Exploration Spain Balboa (Pacific) – 1513 De Leon (FOY, FL)– 1513 Cortez (Mexico/Aztecs)– 1519 Pizarro (Peru/Incas) – 1532 Cabeza de Vaca (Fl to the West) Coronado (West US/Cities of Gold)– France Verrazano – 1524 Cartier – 1535 Champlain – Marquette & Jolliet – 1673 La Salle
European Exploration Dutch Hudson : English Cabot (Newfoundland): 1497 Elizabeth I : Francis Drake “Sea Dogs”
English & Spanish Competition… Competition over Catholicism (Mary Queen of Scots) and Protestantism (Elizabeth) “Singeing the beard of the King of Spain” : Sir Francis Drake and the Sea Dogs Spanish Armada Control of English Channel Irish Coasts (Protestant wind)
Influential Kings and Queens James I : Charles I : (Civil War : ) (Cavaliers / Roundheads) Oliver Cromwell : Charles II : James II : William & Mary : 1689 (Oliver Cromwell)