To “pastors” overseeing congregations The Pastoral Letters
Option 1: Paul wrote these letters, we are simply missing information to confirm his travels 1 Timothy and Titus, 50 CE 2 Timothy, early 60s CE Option 2: Paul’s life after the Acts time frame Paul survives prison and heads for Spain Option 3: Pseudepigraphical letters 80–100 CE Authorship
The Pastors TIMOTHY Sent by Paul on missions Co-author of six letters Paul values Timothy “like a son” Jewish Christian TITUS Appears in 2 Corinthians and Galatians Visits Pauline churches as troubleshooter (2 Cor. 7:6-8) Gentile Christian “ Partner and co-worker ” (2 Cor. 8:23)
Criteria to appoint church government False teaching and sound doctrine Proto-Gnosticism? False teachers must be silenced Protect communities from false influences Women and Ministry Conservative social view of women Women may minister, but not teach Suffering and shame Join Paul in suffering and humility Theological Themes
Salutation, to Timothy in Ephesus (1:1–2) False teachers and the good law (1:3–11) Paul as example of God’s mercy (1:12–20) Instructions on prayer and worship (2:1–15) Choosing bishops and deacons (3:1–13) Hymn to Christ (3:14–16) Instructions (chaps. 4–6) False teachers and Timothy’s teaching Advice for widows, elders, slaves Faithfulness, greed, and God’s riches Outline: 1 Timothy
Salutation, thanksgiving, encouragement to Timothy in Ephesus from Rome (1:1–18) Further encouragement (2:1–25) As soldier, athlete, farmer With a hymn (2:11–12) Avoid false teachings (3:1–9) Follow Paul’s teaching (3:10–17) Exhortation: follow Paul’s example (4:1–8) News and instructions from Paul (4:9–22) Outline: 2 Timothy
Salutation—to Titus in Crete (1:1 – 4) Instruction to Titus (1:5 –16) Appoint bishops, elders Avoid the rebellious and the false teachers Teach the people (2:1 – 15) Older men and older women Younger men Slaves This is right response to God’s grace Instruction to Titus (3:1 – 15) Outline: Titus