Characters GothicismRomantics Events 1 Events 2
Question: This person stood on the scaffold at midnight but kept his sin private. Check Your Answer Characters for 100
Answer: Who is Reverend Dimmesdale? Back to the Game Board Characters for 100
Question: This person bore a symbol of public shame in the village of Boston. Check Your Answer Characters for 200
Answer: Who is Hester Prynne? Back to the Game Board Characters for 200
Question: This person was a symbol of both sin’s product and Good versus Evil. Check Your Answer Characters for 300
Answer: Who is Pearl Prynne? Back to the Game Board Characters for 300
Question: This person is symbolic of the Church in Puritan society—the embodiment of religious laws. Check Your Answer Characters for 400
Answer: Who is Reverend John Wilson? Back to the Game Board Characters for 400
Question: This person is symbolic of the State in Puritan society—the embodiment of governmental laws. Check Your Answer Characters for 500
Answer: Who is Governor Bellingham? Back to the Game Board Characters for 500
Question: Roger Chillingworth’s character best represents this one of the 5 gothic novel elements. Check Your Answer Gothicism for 100
Answer: What is an “evil villian”? Back to the Game Board Gothicism for 100
Question: Hester and Dimmesdale’s sin of adultery, which should have led to death for both of them according to Puritan law, best represents this one of the 5 Gothic characteristics. Check Your Answer Gothicism for 200
Answer: What is a “committed crime”? Back to the Game Board Gothicism for 200
Question: The meteor in the shape of an ‘A’ in the sky during the night of the midnight scaffold scene best represents this one of the 5 Gothic characteristics. Check Your Answer Gothicism for 300
Answer: What is “supernatural and/or magical elements”? Back to the Game Board Gothicism for 300
Question: The Puritan community’s somber atmosphere, along with the many shadowy and dark places—like the midnight scaffold scene and Dimmesdale’s closet—best represent this one of the 5 Gothic characteristics. Check Your Answer Gothicism for 400
Answer: What is a “gloomy atmosphere”? Back to the Game Board Gothicism for 400
Question: Chillingworth’s eerie change from an agent of God to an agent of the devil and his “randomly” popping up and seeing/knowing things he shouldn’t best represents this one of the 5 Gothic characteristics. Check Your Answer Gothicism for 500
Answer: What is “mysteriousness”? Back to the Game Board Gothicism for 500
Question: The single rosebush outside the prison doors, as well as Hester Prynne’s character, best represent this one of the 5 ‘Is’ of Romanticism. Check Your Answer Romantics for 100
Answer: What is “Individualism”? Back to the Game Board Romantics for 100
Question: Pearl’s always knowing things without ever having really being told best represents this one of the 5 ‘Is’ of Romanticism. Check Your Answer Romantics for 200
Answer: What is “Intuition”? Back to the Game Board Romantics for 200
Question: Hawthorne’s mixing of realistic events with ones that could never happen, such as the ‘A’ in the sky and Chillingworth’s appearance literally changing to resemble that of the devil’s (red eyes, etc.), best represents this one of the 5 ‘Is’ of Romanticism. Check Your Answer Romantics for 300
Answer: What is “Imagination”? Back to the Game Board Romantics for 300
Question: Reverend Dimmesdale’s feeling guided by his experience in the forest and a supernatural feeling to rewrite his Election Sermon best represents this one of the 5 ‘Is’ of Romanticism. Check Your Answer Romantics for 400
Answer: What is “Inspiration”? Back to the Game Board Romantics for 400
Question: The narrator’s telling of Pearl’s going on to live a happy and “perfect” life after a life of such social and paternal rejection best shows Hawthorne’s belief in this one of the 5 ‘Is’ of Romanticism. Check Your Answer Romantics for 500
Answer: What is “Idealism”? Back to the Game Board Motives for 500
Question: Throughout the novel, Hester and Pearl mount the scaffold this many times. Check Your Answer Events for 100
Answer: What is 3? Back to the Game Board Events for 100
Question: Chillingworth begs Hester to do this more than once in the novel. Check Your Answer Events for 200
Answer: What is swear never to tell his true identity? Back to the Game Board Events for 200
Question: Pearl says that Hester wears the scarlet letter for this reason. Check Your Answer Events for 300
Answer: What is the same reason that Dimmesdale keeps his hand over his heart? Back to the Game Board Events for 300
Question: At his mansion, Governor Bellingham questioned Pearl about this. Check Your Answer Events for 400
Answer: What is who her heavenly father is? Back to the Game Board Events for 400
Question: This person suspects Dimmesdale’s guilt toward the end of the novel during the Election Day celebration. Check Your Answer Events for 500
Answer: Who is Mistress Hibbins? Back to the Game Board Events for 500
Question: True or False? The townspeople, throughout the novel, love, respect, and think Dimmedale is perfect. Check Your Answer Events for 100
Answer: What is True? Back to the Game Board Events for 100
Question: Hester feels this emotion when she removes the scarlet letter in the forest. Check Your Answer Events for 200
Answer: What is freedom, relief, or a brief moment of happiness? Back to the Game Board Events for 200
Question: True or False? Dimmesdale wants Hester to publicly confess the name of Pearl’s father to the townspeople. Check Your Answer Events for 300
Answer: What is True? Back to the Game Board Events for 300
Question: The townspeople originally feel this way about the arrival of Chillingworth as a physician in the town of Boston. Check Your Answer Events for 400
Answer: What is happiness and/or that he is sent from God? Back to the Game Board Events for 400
Question: For this reason, Pearl denies Dimmesdale’s kiss in the forest but accepts it on the scaffold in the daytime during the Election Day celebration. Check Your Answer Events for 500
Answer: What is because he is now publicly confessing his sin and publicly accepting her as his daughter, whereas in the forest he did neither? Back to the Game Board Events for 500