Complexity in Education, Leadership, Research, & Innovation Gail J. Mitchell Nadine Cross October, 2013
Complexity & Education How can complexity guide you as a teacher? What are some ideas that inspire you? How have you integrated complexity pedagogy?
Complexity Thinking & Dagu Patterns of Relations speak of efficiency and compassion. Story of Seeing the Forest 4 Patterns: Blinding familiarity Dismissive Urgency Illusion of Control Unyielding determination
As Leaders in Health Care: How can we find ways for humanity, complexity, and creativity to coexist with efficiency, machinery, and predictability?
Metaphor and Understanding Exploring human feelings and the images and metaphors of our everyday work and relationships can tell us how our embodied selves are experiencing situations, settings, happenings.
Questions for Thinking about Your Metaphor Working in my area or on my unit is like working in a _____________. If I had to select one word or image to describe what work is like, I would say_________. Thinking about the last three months, I would say work has been like _________.
Patterns of the Whole are experienced and known by the people in the organization— including persons known as patients and their close others.
Attending in the Now Moment Metaphors Images Feelings Metaphors Images
Questions for Teams How do we feel about working here? What images come to mind when we think about our work? How are we with each other? How do our relationships impact our work? What do patients and families experience when they are with us?
How have traditional practices with persons living with diabetes failed? Why is the RNHC based in complexity thinking different? Café Diabetica RNHC: A Role for Complex Realities
How have traditional practices with persons living with dementia failed? How does complexity thinking offer a different view of dementia? Cracked: Illuminating New Light on Dementia Relationality & Dementia
What ideas resonate with you? What connections with your own experience? What questions come to mind? Thank you!