Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills Certification Trainer Orientation Rev: 7/25/131
Learning Objectives As a result of this orientation you should: Understand the need for IOLS training Be able to conduct an IOLS certification Know how to report the results Rev: 7/25/132
Outline The background for IOLS The need for IOLS Certification Trainer qualifications The IOLS certification process Punch line Rev: 7/25/133
What is IOLS? Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills training is a hands-on program that gives adult leaders the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors. Rev: 7/25/134
What is IOLS? (cont’d) IOLS addresses the outdoor skills needed for a Boy Scout to achieve the rank of First Class Scout IOLS focuses on teaching outdoor skills to youth members Rev: 7/25/135
Why is IOLS Training Required? The current national trend is toward adult leaders with shorter tenure and less of a command of outdoor skills than was had by their previous counterparts We should not generalize, though Rev: 7/25/136
Why Only SMs and SAs? The job description for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters is simple: Develop youth leaders The laboratory for that job is the outdoors The SA position is not for everyone Rev: 7/25/137
Options for IOLS Training The best approach is to participate in an IOLS course, especially for those who lack the necessary skills Those who believe they have the necessary skills and can teach those skills to youth members may be certified via personal coaching Rev: 7/25/138
Certification Trainer Qualifications Certification Trainers must either: Have served on the staff for an IOLS course, or Participate in this orientation session Certification Trainers must be approved by the Council Training Committee Rev: 7/25/139
Conducting an IOLS Certification Use the IOLS Personal Record to review the outdoor skills Simply put, you need to become comfortable that the person you are certifying has the ability to teach those skills to youth members Rev: 7/25/1310
Processing the Paperwork Fill in the participant’s personal information on the IOLS Personal Record Sign the form on the line identified as Training Course Chair Submit the form to the Council Training Chair for approval and processing Rev: 7/25/1311
Learning Objectives Review Now you should: Understand the need for IOLS training Be able to conduct an IOLS certification Know how to report the results Rev: 7/25/1312
Punch Line Every youth member deserves a trained leader Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters need to be competent in outdoor skills to be trained Thank you for helping our youth members Rev: 7/25/1313
Thank you for your participation! Questions and Open Discussion Rev: 7/25/1314