Tailored training for professionals in the rural tourist sector FORESTUR Valencia November 2006 Domnica Cotet, Maria Dumitrache Innovation and Business Development Centre- CIDAf,ROMANIA
Characteristics of the business environment In 2006, the Romanian business environment reflects a significant economic growth but also the maintaining of some negative phenomena. By the end of 2004, Romania had closed all the negotiation chapters with the European Union; the latter of these where: free movement of goods, free movement of capital, free movement of people, transports, taxation and financial control. Also, in 2004, Romania’s economy has been evaluated as being a functional market economy.
S MEs in Romania Evolution of GDP(previous year=100).
SMEs in Romania Evolution of private sector’s share in GDP, consequence of restructuring process of Romanian economy
SMEs in Romania Evolution of Gross Domestic Product
S MEs in Romania Dynamics of Gross added value by field of activity The growth of GDP in 2004 was determined by the considerable expansion of the volume of activity and of the gross added value in agriculture, hunting, fishing ( +22,2%) industry(+6,2%) and constructions (+9,0%). These increases contributed to GDP with a share of 46,1%, while services contributed with more than 44%. Calculating GDP as sum of gross sectorial added value, one can see that the most significant contributions are those of agriculture and financial intermediary services.
S MEs in Romania Dynamics of gross added value by fields of activity
S MEs in Romania Number of newly created enterprises
S MEs in Romania Rates of start-ups during Rates of start-ups is calculated as a ratio between the number of start-ups and the total number of existing enterprises at the 1 st of January 1995
S MEs in Romania Managerial priorities within SMEs SMEs performances highly depend on the priorities set by entrepreneurs and managers. According to the research made by National Council of SMEs from Romania, the first priority for mangers is to intensify marketing activities(54,82%), followed by: acquisition of new technologies (46,55); intensive training of personal (46,02%);diversifying production(41,73%); constructing new buildings(37,6%);computerising activities (36,37%). These priorities, starting with the interest in the market evolutions and followed by new technologies, human resources and computerization, gather into a balanced pattern, emphasizing the evolution of modern enterprises.
S MEs in Romania Managerial priorities within SMEs Other managerial priorities are: Modern quality control systems (29,64%);polution control (indicated only by 19,14% of the SMEs because a significant part of these have a non-polluting activity). The fact that new managerial approaches were indicated by 28,64% of the entrepreneurs is a proof that they became aware of the significant importance of professional management.
Forestur Tailored training for professionals in the rural tourist sector Economic competitiveness in Romania is driven by low labour costs rather than by innovation, which is one of the key drivers of economic welfare. Tourism is one of the key sector for rural aria, who can contribute to the economic development, increasing the number of jobs created and local development It’s estimated that, in the framework of intensive and complex development, the tourism industry could absorb till 20% from the actual unemployment. And it’s not without importance another aspect: the price paid by founding new jobs in this area of activity, represents only 50% in comparison with the other economic areas.
Forestur Tailored training for professionals in the rural tourist sector Forestur project respond to the training of the tourist professionals operating in the rural areas, offering an innovative training based on ICT and dealing of the quality management, customer care and communication skills development, mainly in English language; The tailored training should integrate the concept of sustainable development regarding to the preservation of natural resources and environment and promotion of renewable resources of energy ( wind, solar and biomass).