Copper Copper By: Harrison Burge By: Harrison Burge
Copper Symbol: Cu Atomic Number: 29 Atomic Mass: Classification: Metal Symbol: Cu Atomic Number: 29 Atomic Mass: Classification: Metal
Discovery In Iraq there were some copper beads found dating back to 9,000 BC At around 5,000 BC methods for refining ore were discovered In 4,000 BC copper pottery was found in Northern Africa In Iraq there were some copper beads found dating back to 9,000 BC At around 5,000 BC methods for refining ore were discovered In 4,000 BC copper pottery was found in Northern Africa
Characteristics Copper is a reddish orange color It has the second highest conductivity electrical conductivity after silver Copper is a reddish orange color It has the second highest conductivity electrical conductivity after silver
Source Source Chile is one of the main copper sources in the world Most is extracted as copper sulfides in porphyry copper deposits each holding 0.4 to 1.0 percent of copper CC hile is one of the main copper sources in the world MM ost is extracted as copper sulfides in porphyry copper deposits each holding 0.4 to 1.0 percent of copper
Uses Used for piping Electronics such as: -copper wire -electromagnets -vacuum tubes -microwaves Architecture such as: -sinks -counters -tubs And coinage UU sed for piping EE lectronics such as: -copper wire -electromagnets -vacuum tubes -microwaves Architecture such as: -sinks -counters -tubs And coinage
Citation Winter, Mark, ed. Copper: the Essentials. web elements, Dec Winter, Mark. Web Elements, Dec Copper. wikipedia, Dec Winter, Mark, ed. Copper: the Essentials. web elements, Dec Winter, Mark. Web Elements, Dec Copper. wikipedia, Dec