Army Cadet Summer Training
Outline What is Army Cadet Summer Training? What courses are available? Who can attend? Where is summer training conducted? Who conducts & supervises the courses? How do cadets get to and from the centres? How do cadets apply?
What is a Cadet Camp? A Cadet Camp is not a recreational holiday camp. A Cadet Camp is not a vacation Bible study camp. A Cadet Camp is not a day care or child minding program. A Cadet Camp is a Training Establishment. As such, cadets attending camp are not on a holiday, but rather they have competed to occupy a place at a training school. They hope to advance their skills and knowledge and possibly advance in rank upon return to their cadet unit.
Aim of summer training To support and/or enhance cadet corps training by providing corps with cadet leaders (NCO’s and WO’s).
5 categories of training 1. Familiarization - 2 & 3 week courses designed to introduce cadets to summer training. 2. NCO Qualifying - 6 week courses designed to teach the knowledge & skills required of a section commander 3. WO Qualifying - 6 week courses designed to teach the knowledge and skills required of an instructor 4. Academic Advancement - 1 tri-service course: Intro to Aerospace 5. Advanced Training - various courses designed to advance senior cadets’ leadership skills
Familiarization Courses Descriptions Basic Cadet 2 Weeks Vernon Focuses on skills necessary to live and work in a group. Includes a field exercise, green star subjects, physical fitness & recreational activities. Basic Marksman 3 Weeks Vernon Encompasses all the aspects of the Basic Course with additional training on basic marksmanship skills. Basic Pipes & Drums 3 Weeks Vernon Encompasses all the aspects of the Basic Course with additional training on bagpipes or drums.
Familiarization Courses Who can attend? Must have enrolled prior to 1 Jan Cannot be older than 14 yrs Must be physically fit and in good health Preference is given to those who have completed 1 year of training Must be recommended by the corps’ Commanding Officer
Familiarization Courses Course Dates Basic Cadet (2 Weeks) 12 July - 23 July 26 July - 06 Aug 09 Aug - 20 Aug Basic Cadet Mksm, P&D (3 Weeks) 12 July - 30 July 02 Aug - 20 Aug Course dates do not include travel days. Cadets must be prepared to travel up to 2 days prior and after course dates.
NCO Qualifying Descriptions Cadet Leader Marksman (Connaught) Includes the core subjects of the Cadet Leader Course with a strong emphasis on shooting. Cadets will spend a considerable amount of time on a shooting range. Cadet Leader (Vernon & Whitehorse) Focuses on developing leadership skills. Includes a 1 week field exercise, physical fitness, confidence course, first aid & recreational activities. Cadet Leader Pipes & Drums (Vernon) Includes the core subjects of the Cadet Leader Course with a strong emphasis on military band skills. Cadets will spend the majority of their time performing in a pipes & drums band. All Cadet Leader Courses are 6 weeks long
NCO Qualifying Who can attend? Must have enrolled prior to 1 Jan Completed Red Star Preference is given to those who have completed a Familiarization Course Must by physically fit and in good health Must be recommended by the corps’ Commanding Officer
NCO Qualifying Additional Requirements Cadet Leader Marksman cadets for this course are selected based on their shooting ability preference is given to those who participated in the Canadian Cadet Movement Marksmanship Series Cadet Leader Pipes & Drums qualified cadet pipes & drums level II
NCO Qualifying Course Dates All Cadet Leader Courses in Vernon & Whitehorse 12 July – 20 August Cadet Leader Marksman (Connaught) 05 July - 14 August Course dates do not include travel days. Cadets must be prepared to travel up to 2 days prior and after course dates.
Warrant Officer Qualifying Course Descriptions Cadet Leader Instructor Drill & Ceremonial emphasis on instructional technique and leadership additional instruction in military drill and ceremonial practices Cadet Leader Instructor Rifle Coach emphasis on instructional technique and leadership additional instruction in marksmanship and coaching
Warrant Officer Qualifying Course Descriptions Cadet Leader Instructor Physical Education & Recreation Instructor emphasis on instructional technique and leadership additional instruction on physical education and recreation Cadet Leader Instructor Adventure emphasis on instructional technique and leadership additional instruction in field living and adventure training activities
Warrant Officer Qualifying Course Descriptions Cadet Leader Instructor Marksman emphasis on instructional technique and leadership additional instruction in marksmanship skills Cadet Leader Instructor Pipes & Drums emphasis on instructional technique and leadership additional training in pipes & drums subjects
Warrant Officer Qualifying Who can attend? Must have completed an NCO Qualifying Course! Completed Silver Star Must be physically fit and in good health Must be recommended by the corps’ Commanding Officer
Warrant Officer Qualifying Additional Requirements Cadet Leader Instructor Marksman cadets for this course are selected based on their standing in the Cadet Leader Marksman Course Cadet Leader Instructor Pipes & Drums qualified cadet pipes & drums level III
Warrant Officer Qualifying Course Dates All Cadet Leader Instructor Courses in Vernon & Whitehorse 12 July – 20 August Cadet Leader Instructor Marksman (Connaught) 05 July - 22 August Course dates do not include travel days. Cadets must be prepared to travel up to 2 days prior and after course dates.
Academic Advancement Course Description Introduction to Aerospace Course 3 weeks - St. Jean, Quebec The aim of this tri-service course is to familiarize cadets with the scientific, technical and human aspects related to exploration and development of space. Cadets will be given the opportunity to put to practical use the skills and knowledge learned to solve theoretical problems
Academic Advancement Who can attend? Introduction to Aerospace Course completed Silver star should have completed a WO Qualifying Course must be physically fit and in good health must be recommended by the corps’ Commanding Officer shows an interest and aptitude in academic subjects It is suggested that selection be from those cadets who have completed one CLI course so that a cadet is not precluded from staff cadet employment, NSCE, or Master Cadet appointment.
Academic Advancement Course Dates Introduction to Aerospace (3 Weeks) July - July July - Aug Course dates do not include travel days. Cadets must be prepared to travel up to 2 days prior and after course dates.
Advanced Training Descriptions Advanced Pipes & Drums 6 Weeks Rocky Mountain This course is performance oriented. Cadets will travel and perform extensively. Successful completion requires completion of Level V Leadership & Challenge 6 Weeks Rocky Mountain Advanced leadership training and adventure training Includes: white water canoeing, glacier expedition, hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking Parachutist 5 Weeks Connaught Completes the Canadian Forces Parachutist Course Adventure & Pioneering 6 Weeks Vernon Advanced course aimed at providing a summer training opportunity for cadets who have already completed a CLI course, but are too young or do not qualify for other advanced training opportunities. There are limited vacancies for this course.
Advanced Training Descriptions Cadets are nominated for the following courses based on past performance: National Shooting Team(8 weeks)Bisley, England Outward Bound Scotland(6 weeks)Scotland Outward Bound Wales(6 weeks)Wales Maple Leaf Exchange(6 weeks)England Germany Exchange(6 weeks)Germany Sweden Exchange(6 weeks)Sweden Norway Exchange(6 weeks)Norway USA Exchange(6 weeks)USA
Advanced Training Who can attend? Advanced Pipes & Drums completed Gold Star completed CLI Pipes & Drums qualified music level IV Leadership & Challenge passed NSCE (must be completed in the same year) completed a WO Qualifying Course qualified Silver level fitness nominated by the ACO Parachutist passed NSCE completed a WO Qualifying Course pass CF Para PT Test meet CF medical standard nominated by the ACO Adventure & Pioneering completed a WO qualifying course achieve Bronze on the Army Cadet Fitness Test pass Cadet Swim Test
Advanced Training Who can attend? National Shooting Team passed NSCE (must be completed in the same year) completed CLI Marksman selected by NDHQ from standings on CLI marksman
Advanced Training Who can attend? All Exchanges (Scotland, Wales, England, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Italy) passed NSCE (must be completed in the same year) completed a WO Qualifying Course served a minimum of 4 years with a taken on strength date no later than 31 March complete the specific fitness requirements for each course: Outward Bound Wales – Silver Fitness Maple Leaf – Silver Fitness USA Exchange – Gold Fitness Outward Bound Scotland – Silver Fitness Germany Exchange – Silver Fitness Sweden, Norway, Italy – Bronze Fitness
cadet must not have been a staff cadet be eligible to attend a summer training centre the following year (not turn 19 before next summer) nominated by the ACO Advanced Training Who can attend?
Advanced Training Course Dates Advanced Pipes & Drums 12 Jul – 20 Aug Adventure & Pioneering12 Jul – 20 Aug Leadership & Challenge12 Jul – 20 Aug National Rifle Team28 Jun – 21 Aug Parachutist 19 Jul – 21 Aug All Exchange Courses various Jul – various Aug
Where is summer training conducted? Vernon, British Columbia Located in the interior of BC on the north end of the Okanagan valley. The training centre is located in the city of Vernon. Most cadets are housed dormitory style in permanent barracks with all bedding provided. Some cadets will be housed in 6 man tents (CF Modular) with electricity. Additional facilities include: games room, canteen, internet cafe, cadet bank, church, medical inspection room.
Where is summer training conducted? Whitehorse, Yukon Located at Boyle Barracks which is 20 km south of Whitehorse. Most cadets are housed dormitory style in permanent barracks with all bedding provided. Some cadets will be housed in 6 man tents (CF Modular) with electricity. Additional facilities include: canteen, cadet bank, medical inspection room
Where is summer training conducted? Cochrane, Alberta (Rocky Mountain NACSTC) Located in the Rocky Mountain Forest Reserve 100 Km NW of Calgary and 45 km NW of Cochrane A new facility built in All cadets are housed in four person rooms in permanent barracks with all bedding provided Additional facilities include: canteen, medical inspection room
Where is summer training conducted? Connaught, Ontario Located 20 km north of downtown Ottawa on the Ottawa River All cadets are housed in 6 person modular tents with all bedding provided Additional facilities include: canteen, cadet bank, medical inspection room
Who conducts and supervises the courses? Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) Officers staff the summer training centres. Senior cadets are also employed as staff cadets to assist with supervision and instruction The ratio of Officer to Cadet is approximately 1:10.
How do cadets get to and from the training centres? All transportation is organized and paid for by DND Cadets may travel by bus, commercial air, or DND air Cadets are escorted or met on all legs of their journey If parents request special transportation arrangements, they may be financially responsible The dates listed are course dates and cadets may travel up to two days prior and following the course dates
How do cadets apply? ALL cadets must complete the Application and Approval for Cadet Activities (CF51) Cadets applying for music courses must complete the Application for Cadet Music Course (DND757) Cadets applying for advanced training must complete the Advanced Training Application (with integrated CF51) Cadets applying for a position as a staff cadet must complete the online Application for Employment & a CF51)
How are cadets selected? COs review each cadet’s application and prioritises them Applications are sent to Edmonton for review and selection Cadets are course loaded in order of the priority list provided, HOWEVER, there are limited positions available each Basic, CL & CLI course has a quota each of the above courses has their own priority list (males are listed in order of priority and females are listed in order of priority) Advanced training courses & staff cadets do not impact the quota. Positions are created at Summer Training Centre’s for 30% of cadets enrolled Corps are notified which cadets are selected by 1 May NOT ALL CADETS WILL GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO ATTEND SUMMER TRAINING. SELECTION IS BASED ON PERFORMANCE AND ATTENDANCE AT THE CORPS.
2003 Summer Training Quota Familiarization (Basic) Quota: Males: 7 Females: 5 NCO Qualifiying (CL) Quota: Males: 0 Females: 3 WO Qualifiying (CLI) Quota: Males: 4 Females: 2
Completing the Application (CF51) Every year cadets are not selected because of an incomplete application. Please read the application thoroughly. Here are some specific areas to pay particular attention to. Registration Date Leave Blank - This section will be completed by the corps’ staff. It is the date which the cadet joined the corps not today’s date.
Completing the Application (CF51) Parental Declaration - Question 3 If you choose yes here, you must include who can take the cadet out on the pass below. Cadets are not permitted to leave the training centre unsupervised. Parental Declaration - Question 5 If you choose yes here, you MUST include additional information. If there is no restricted access, all that is required is a signed statement stating “There is no restricted access to my son/daughter/ward.”
Completing the Application (CF51) Alternate Family/Adult Contact This section must be completed. You must list someone who will be available in your absence. It could include grandparents, relatives, a neighbour or family friend. Leave page 2 blank!
Completing the Application (CF51) Medical Information It is important that this section is complete and provides as much information as possible. If required attach additional information. Failure to disclose relevant information could result in the cadet being sent home if the medical staff believe the cadet is at risk due to his environment or condition. If you answer yes to any questions, you MUST provide details in question #8.
Application due date? 26 January 2004 Any applications received late will be sent to the Detachment, however, they will be placed LAST on the PROVINCIAL priority list All applications are to be handed in to Lt Sun.
Contacts Please direct any questions to our corps’ contact: Lt Julie Sun (W) (H)
Questions? ? ?