2019: A School Odyssey Alex Ragone – Borrowed from: Dr. Scott McLeod dangerouslyirrelevant.org (A Remix of Dr. Scott McLeod’s a 2008 K12 Online presentation for NYSAIS Assistant Head and Division Director’s )
What is a disruptive innovation?
Disruptive innovations change the game.
Think of a few disruptive innovations. 2 minutes
Undergraduates: 220,000+ Postgraduates: 60,000+ Photo from:
K-12 Curriculum All Online
Cycles 1-20Cycles We’re in here somewhere!
Assumption: It’s 2019 AND 50% of your courses are being given online
?s What does your school look like in 2019? How do you schedule time? What about extracurriculars? Where is your school? What is the role of teachers? Administrators? What is a successful graduate?
Implications for school leaders
1.K-12 education is facing a disruptive innovation. It’s personalized learning.
2.The existing educational model is not a given.
3.All of this is going to sneak up on most school organizations.
Effective leadership for disruptive innovations
1.Good organizations with good people will disappear if they don’t understand the ‘natural laws’ of disruptive innovation.
2.It’s very difficult for existing successful organizations to become dominant players in the new market.
3.It’s much easier to create a new organization - or buy one - than it is to turn an existing organization around.
4.It’s difficult to analyze the unknowable.
5.First-mover advantage is important when it comes to disruptive innovations.
4.To survive, school organizations must structure themselves to comply with the ‘natural laws’ of disruptive innovations.
Don’t wait until it is ‘good enough’
Start with underserved student groups
Don’t wait until it is ‘good enough’ Start with underserved student groups Use different metrics of success
Don’t wait until it is ‘good enough’ Start with underserved student groups Use different metrics of success Compete directly with the existing organization
Florida Virtual School Serving # of Floridians K-12.com The smartest teachers and technologists developing K-12 curriculum University of Pheonix The largest university in the world
more than needed good enough ? ? schools
Education being disrupted Boston Public School Teacher training. NYC Teaching Fellows
Current leadership models are inadequate for disruptive innovations Dr. Scott McLeod dangerouslyirrelevant.org k12onlineconference.org