© Symnetics México 2009 Tantum Group, 2012 – Executive Master Class: Fostering Value Innovation through Co-Creation approach; Lausanne May 29th, 2012 Fostering VALUE INNOVATION through the CO- CREATION Approach Top Executive Master Class, Lausanne Lausanne, May 29, 2012 Key note speaker Professor Venkat Ranaswamy Professor of Marketing at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
© Symnetics México 2009 Tantum Group, 2012 – Web Konferenz BSC 2.0 INNOVATION MASTER CLASS: Fostering VALUE INNOVATION through the CO-CREATION Approach Objectives: Good understanding of the power of Co- Creation and its potential of application for innovation process Experiencing concept and method of Co- Creation Discuss value of Co-Creation for your business innovation activities Background and objectives What is VALUE CO-CREATION about? Developing new products, services and business models through a co-creation process with stakeholders in order to build competitive advantage.
© Symnetics México 2009 Tantum Group, 2012 – Web Konferenz BSC 2.0 Agenda 08:30 amSession 1:Introduction to Co-Creation Session 2: Engagement plattforms and Stakeholder Experiences Session 3: Engagement Plattforms and Network Resources Session 4: Innovation and Co-Creation Session 5: Applying Co-Creation (business case) 12:30 pmLunch 01:30 pmSession 6-8: Formulating action projects and linking them with Leadership and the Strategy Performance Management System through Co-Creation Session 9:Challenges in implementing co-creative initiatives and how to overcome them Session 10:Getting started with implementing your co-creative action projects Closing: 04:00pm INNOVATION MASTER CLASS: Fostering VALUE INNOVATION through the CO-CREATION Approach Lausanne, May 29th, 2012
© Symnetics México 2009 Tantum Group, 2012 – Web Konferenz BSC 2.0 INNOVATION MASTER CLASS: Fostering VALUE INNOVATION through the CO-CREATION Approach Speakers Professor Venkat Ramaswamy Professor of Marketing at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan He is co-author (with C. K. Prahalad) of the acclaimed book „The Future of Competition: Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers“ (Harvard Business School Press, 2004). Recent Book: The Power of Co Creation, edited by Simon and Schuster, October 2010 Venkat’s current work focuses on migrating companies globally to the next practice of experience co-creation. Mathias Mangels Founding Partner of Tantum Group, an innovation and strategy execution professional service company Managing Partner for innovation assignments on products, services and business models in Europe, Middle East and Latin America Focus on delivering outstanding results accomplished through the implementation of innovative new offerings with clients.
© Symnetics México 2009 Tantum Group, 2012 – Web Konferenz BSC 2.0 INNOVATION MASTER CLASS: Fostering VALUE INNOVATION through the CO-CREATION Approach Registration: Innovation Master Class Lausanne, May 29th, 2012 Location Hotel Alpha-Palmiers Rue du Petit-Chene 34 CH-1003 Lausanne, Switzerland Contact for Hotel room bookings: T F Registration Fee: 480,-€ zzgl. MwST. Participants will receive case studies and Venkat Ramaswamy´s latest book „The Power of Co-Creation“ Your contact partner Henriette Wintterer Office Manager Tel
© Symnetics México 2009 Tantum Group, 2012 – Web Konferenz BSC 2.0 Tantum Group CEE Georg Reygers, Geschäftsführer Tantum CEE Matthias Uebel, Principal Münchner Straße Holzkirchen bei München t m Germany Argentina Brasil Central America Chile Columbia Ecuador Arabic Emirates Italia Mexico Peru Swiss Venezuela