District Trainer Program Zone 29/30 Rotary Institute Springfield, Missouri September 2007 Learning the skills to plan and conduct training meetings that support effective Rotary clubs
“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.” - Socrates
“Remember — You are appointed, You are appointed, Not anointed.” Not anointed.” - Bob Brickman
“The responsibility for the response for the response to your communication to your communication is yours.” is yours.” - Bob Brickman
“We all need a person to understand; someone to share our thoughts with and always be around in time of need. We all need a person like you” Louise Bradwell Lowell
“You can vote on the same side as the president or president-elect of RI and still never become the president of RI.” Bob Brickman
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Agenda Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and Responsibilities Leadership DevelopmentLeadership Development Benefits of TrainingBenefits of Training Developing an AgendaDeveloping an Agenda Planning a Seminar / MeetingPlanning a Seminar / Meeting Training Techniques and SkillsTraining Techniques and Skills Skills Practice & Critical FeedbackSkills Practice & Critical Feedback Questions and EvaluationQuestions and Evaluation
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer “It’s not a great mission statement, but we’ll revise it if things get better.” “It’s not a great mission statement, but we’ll revise it if things get better.”
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Training Objective To ensure District Trainers have the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and conduct district training meetings which will prepare club and district leaders for their year of service To ensure District Trainers have the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and conduct district training meetings which will prepare club and district leaders for their year of service.
Session 1 Role and Responsibilities Leadership Development Benefits of Training
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Role and Responsibilities of a District Trainer?Role and Responsibilities of a District Trainer? Rotary Leadership Development Program?Rotary Leadership Development Program? What are … What is …
“If you think it’s expensive training people and watching them leave, and watching them leave, try not training them try not training them and watching them stay.” and watching them stay.”
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Understanding the Benefits of Training Why we do itWhy we do it Why we don’tWhy we don’t Why we shouldWhy we should Leadership Developmen t Reward Past Performance Promote Change Building Teams Assess Strengt h Achieve Goals Outline Expectations Orient New Team Member s Reduci ng Skill Gaps
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Exercise What have been the Objections Obstacles Complaints about District Meetings & Trainings Sessions?
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Participants’ perception of events during the first 15 minutes of the program can either positively or negatively effect the balance of the entire course.
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Evaluating Training Meetings Evaluation allows those involved in organizing and conducting a meeting to examine The effectiveness of their training methods The effectiveness of their training methods Their success in presenting content Their success in presenting content Perceived impact of the training Perceived impact of the training
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer “If I want feedback, Paden, I’ll pay a consultant for it.”
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Evaluation Tools Participant formsParticipant forms Training leader formsTraining leader forms Debriefing meetingDebriefing meeting TestsTests
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Summary What have we learned?What have we learned? How can we apply this information?How can we apply this information? Feedback on SessionFeedback on Session
Session 2 Designing Training Part I
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Learning Objectives Discuss how to conduct a needs assessmentDiscuss how to conduct a needs assessment Learn how to modify an agendaLearn how to modify an agenda Identify different ways to setup a training roomIdentify different ways to setup a training room Review ways to select your meeting time and placeReview ways to select your meeting time and place Learn how to develop a meeting budgetLearn how to develop a meeting budget
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Conducting a Needs Assessment Determine your objectiveDetermine your objective Choose a method for collecting informationChoose a method for collecting information Analyze the dataAnalyze the data
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Modifying the Agenda Modify according to the needs of your districtModify according to the needs of your district Acknowledge participants’ cultural and regional differencesAcknowledge participants’ cultural and regional differences Consider participants’ levels of experience with RotaryConsider participants’ levels of experience with Rotary Take into account participant's club sizeTake into account participant's club size
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer “Branum wants us to simplify the ‘Train the Trainer’ program. Here … lick all the data off this CD.” Here … lick all the data off this CD.”
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Training Room Setup Select a room setup that best corresponds to the meeting’s Training goals Training goals Number of participants Number of participants Program content and visuals Program content and visuals Instructional aids Instructional aids
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Meeting Time and Place Schedule the year’s upcoming training meetings far enough in advanceSchedule the year’s upcoming training meetings far enough in advance When selecting a venue, consider:When selecting a venue, consider: –Convenience –Room availability –On-site services
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Developing a Budget Budgets should be based on anticipated revenues (registration fees) and estimated expenditures (venue rental)Budgets should be based on anticipated revenues (registration fees) and estimated expenditures (venue rental) Use figures and expenses from past district training meeting as a guideUse figures and expenses from past district training meeting as a guide Keep variances to a minimum to avoid a deficitKeep variances to a minimum to avoid a deficit Determine who will manage the meeting’s fundsDetermine who will manage the meeting’s funds
Session 2 Designing Training Part II
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Learning Objectives Ways to select and prepare training leadersWays to select and prepare training leaders Ways to distribute materials to participantsWays to distribute materials to participants How to promote attendance at meetingsHow to promote attendance at meetings How to create effective training evaluationsHow to create effective training evaluations
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Selecting Training Leaders When selecting training leaders, consider these qualifications: Past district trainer, district training Past district trainer, district training committee members, and training leaders committee members, and training leaders Immediate past club and district officers Immediate past club and district officers Current district committee chairs Current district committee chairs Current and past RI training leaders Current and past RI training leaders Current and past Zone Resource Appointees Current and past Zone Resource Appointees
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Selecting Training Leaders When selecting training leaders, look at these qualifications: Training expertise Rotary knowledge Professional knowledge
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Staffing Needs for Training Will you have The same training leaders for all meetings?The same training leaders for all meetings? A core group for most meetings with additional training leaders as needed?A core group for most meetings with additional training leaders as needed? A different group of training leaders for each meeting?A different group of training leaders for each meeting?
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Number of Training Leaders Consider the following: Number of participantsNumber of participants Number of sessionsNumber of sessions Number of topics and activities in each sessionNumber of topics and activities in each session
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Preparing Training Leaders Schedule training sessions to prepare training leaders well in advance of the meetingSchedule training sessions to prepare training leaders well in advance of the meeting Consider the variety of training backgrounds for each training leaderConsider the variety of training backgrounds for each training leader Well-prepared training leaders will deliver uniform and consistent trainingWell-prepared training leaders will deliver uniform and consistent training
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Participant Materials Plan the production of support materials in advancePlan the production of support materials in advance Consider the cost of materialsConsider the cost of materials Materials may be distributed before, during or after the meetingMaterials may be distributed before, during or after the meeting
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Promote Attendance Begin promoting the meeting early so attendance is higherBegin promoting the meeting early so attendance is higher Use a variety of promotional methodsUse a variety of promotional methods –District Web site –Governor’s monthly letter –Meetings Make registration simpleMake registration simple Send a reminder noticeSend a reminder notice
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer QuestionsandEvaluation
Session 3 Training Techniques and Skills
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Training Techniques and Skills Characteristics of Adult LearnersCharacteristics of Adult Learners Training Roles: Facilitator, Discussion Leader or Lecturer?Training Roles: Facilitator, Discussion Leader or Lecturer? Questioning TechniquesQuestioning Techniques Nonverbal CommunicationsNonverbal Communications
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer “Personally, I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.” - Winston Churchill
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Training Techniques and Skills Characteristics of Adult LearnersCharacteristics of Adult Learners Training Roles: Facilitator, Discussion Leader or Lecturer? Questioning Techniques Nonverbal Communications
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Training Techniques and Skills Characteristics of Adult Learners Training Roles: Facilitator, Discussion Leader or Lecturer?Training Roles: Facilitator, Discussion Leader or Lecturer? Questioning Techniques Nonverbal Communications
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Training Techniques and Skills Characteristics of Adult Learners Training Roles: Facilitator, Discussion Leader or Lecturer? Questioning TechniquesQuestioning Techniques Nonverbal Communications
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Training Techniques and Skills Characteristics of Adult Learners Training Roles: Facilitator, Discussion Leader or Lecturer? Questioning Techniques Nonverbal CommunicationsNonverbal Communications
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Training Techniques and Skills Time Management
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Training Techniques and Skills Training Tools and Equipment
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer “For God’s sake, Lusty. Put that laser pointer away!’
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer Exercises Presentation & Facilitation Skills
2007 Zone 29/30 Train the Trainer “What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.” What I do, I understand.” - Confucius - Confucius