Beginning Of School By Carlos Williams
Table of Contents Classroom Consequences Course Syllabus Internet Acceptable Use Procedures Permission Form Computer Rules Introduction Classroom Enrollment Form Discipline Log Classroom Rules Classroom Procedures
Introduction Mr. Carlos Williams Graduate of St. Jude, Davis, Bellingrath & Lanier Graduate of Florida A&M University Acquiring a Masters in Education at Alabama State University Masters of Arts Specializing in Educational Technology Leadership from Ashford University Bellingrath Middle 15 Years
Classroom Enrollment Form Fill out the following: –Personal Information Section –Schedule Information
Discipline Log Fill out the following: –School Year ( ) –Student (Your Full Name) –Teacher (Mr. Williams)
Classroom Rules Be in your seat when the bell rings Be –Respectful Keep hands, feet, & objects to yourself Monitor comments to Peer/Adults –Responsible Bring your supplies to class Complete all assignments –Resourceful Be prepared & focused Report any problems to adults Be in your seat when the bell rings Be prepared for class (pen pencil, paper)
Continued: Raise your hand for any questions or responses Ask permission to get out of your seat No eating, drinking, chewing gum in the classroom
Classroom Procedures Enter the room quietly and silently Be in your classroom and seated before the tardy rings Listen and follow directions the first time without any interruptions Be prepared with assigned materials (books, pencils, pens, paper, etc.)
Continued: No talking without permission Write name, date, and class period in the upper right hand corner of the paper Place completed assignments in the appointed tray Wait for class to be dismissed Push chairs under the table before leaving the classroom
Classroom Consequences 1.Warning 2.Discussion with student (sign log) 3.After school Detention 4.Contact Parent 5.Office referral
Reminders Use the restroom and get water before class Failure to follow the Internet Acceptance Policy may result in the suspension of Inter privileges Tuck shirt in pants at all times especially before entering the classroom
Course Syllabus Course Description Course Goal Course Outline Prerequisites Supplies Essential Questions
Continued: Major - Test/Projects 65% Minor - Quizzes, Notebook/Daily Grades/Homework 35% Grading –Major 65% –Minor 35% Students will be evaluated on production assignments, individual projects, activities, application, group projects, daily assignments, and periodic notebook checks.
Internet Acceptable Use Procedures Permission Form Letter to Parents Parental Agreement/Approval Student & Parent Signature Computer Usage
Computer Rules Be sure your hands are clean Do not eat or drink near the computer Do not download from the Internet Do not violate Internet Policy Do not copy other student’s work Do not delete other students work
Rewards School-wide Rewards –End-of-the-year Rewards –Field Trips –Caught Being Good Rewards –Student of the Week and Month Award