Storyboard I will be creating a Powerpoint and converting it into a video for the purpose of promoting the technological innovation, iPod, to the board of directors and explaining how iPods could improve the way teachers teach and students learn in elementary schools.
Slide 1 Shot description: Introduction Audio: None Effects/Graphics: Insert a short video of myself giving the introduction Dialog & Narration: Introduce myself and the purpose for the presentation Transition: None
Slides 2-4 Shot description: Introduction to what is an iPod Audio: Have music playing from the 80’s Effects/Graphics: Have a picture of a person carrying a big boom box on their shoulders or in their hand will slowly zoom across the screen. (slide 2) Run a short video of what the iPod can do (slide 4) Dialog & Narration: Discuss how the age of big and bulky are over which lead to the invention of the iPod. Discuss brief history of the iPod
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Slide 5 Shot description: Need for iPods in elementary schools Audio: TBD Effects/Graphics: Pictures of students using hands on materials Dialog & Narration: Discuss the importance and impact of students engagement -Include data on the retention of information using manipulatives and not using manipulatives Discuss how iPods can contribute to students engagement
Slide 6-8 Shot description: Research- What people developed a solution to this problem or need? Who were the “lead thinkers” for this innovation, and how did they convince a manufacturer to produce it? Audio: TBD Effects/Graphics: Insert pictures of students using iPods for learning Dialog & Narration: Discuss the original reason for creating the iPod. Information can be found at Discuss how this innovation has brought about a new way to teach (Pull information from scholarly articles)
Slides 9 Shot description: Development - Who was the intended audience for your innovation Audio: TBD Effects/Graphics: TBD Dialog & Narration: Discuss the intended audience for the iPod and why this is a perfect device to integrate into elementary curriculum Something else will be addressed TBD
Slide 10 Shot description: Commercialization- Describe the production, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, and distribution of your innovation Audio: TBD Effects/Graphics: Insert pictures of the different lines of iPods- (ei iPod touch, ipod nano, etc..) Dialog & Narration: Discuss why iPods are appealing to its customers
Shot 11 Shot description: Closing Audio: TBD Effects/Graphics: Insert of people shaking hands or clapping to signify closing the deal Dialog & Narration: Recap on how iPods can improve the way teachers teach and students learn in elementary schools.
Picture retrieved from: Second picture:
This week assignment Who would you expect to be (or who are) the innovators and early adopters in your field of work for the innovation you are exploring? The innovators and early adopters in the field of education would be the >>>> generation. >>> generation are individuals born … Also innovators and early adopters in the field of education would be teachers that welcome any type of positive change that would have a positive impact on learners. What strategies are the most persuasive in convincing them to adopt the innovation? Showing educators the impact that iPods have on students learning. In addition, seeing is believing. Being able to demonstrate how to operate iPods would also convincing them to adopt the innovation? Educators tend to shy away from the unfamiliar. Who do you think would be (or who are) the laggards in terms of rejecting the innovation? The laggards of iPods would probably be those who are stuck in the old way of teaching. These would be the teachers who only use technology components because they are forced or given consequences for not using technology. What strategies would be best to help move them toward adoption? Which combination of perceived attributes would be best for helping your innovation meet critical mass in your industry?