DeliverablesDeadlineReference JournalsDailyPage Evaluation SheetDay 3 of the training Program Page 68 Creation of HOTMAIL accountDay 1 Joining the Education Leadership PIL Network Day 1www.partnersinlearni Fill up Principal’s Profile FormDay 1Refer to CD folder FORMs; principals profile form.docx Submit NDADay 1Page 69 Submit Pledge of CommitmentDay 1Page 70
DeliverablesDeadlineReference Page Submit School Survey2 weeks after training program Submit School Technology Roadmap2 weeks after training program Refer to CD, My Technology Roadmap ppt. Top ten Principals’ SheetWithin a week after the training program Page 72 Top five Teachers’ Sheet1 week afer training program Page 73
Mentoring Session – Principal Mentor Mentoring Process for Principal - Mentors Mentoring Process for Principal - Mentees Mentoring Process for Teacher- Mentees Please refer to flowchart Ppt.
House rules: Set your cell phones in silent/mute mode so as not to distract the flow of discussions. All calls should be made during breaks only. If you need to make or place an important call, please be advised to do this outside the training room. Food and drinks will be served at the hallway. Although eating and drinking are permitted in the training room, please ensure to clear the tables from all used plates/food boxes and empty cups or bottles.
Ask the assistance of the training facilitators, to assist you whenever your computer unit malfunctions. if you need to use the training facilities in the evenings, please inform the secretariat of your intention so that special passes will be handed out to you. Wear proper but comfortable attire during the training sessions.
Please log in PERSONALLY everyday for your attendance Please come to sessions on time! Do not leave your things unattended in the training room. CBE will not be held accountable for any lost personal items.
Parking lots are posted around the room. Parking lots are used as feedback mechanism or communication boards about your experiences during the training period. Feel free to use the parking lots as often as you wish. For administrative concerns, pls. contact Chellow or any of the CBE support team anytime. Rest rooms are available near the training room. Please refer to your travel advisory for more training concerns.