Department of Medicine Faculty Meeting June 22, 2015 Announcements Update on Residency Program (G Yadavalli) Improving Transitions of Care-IPASS (K Sloan)
Announcements Volunteers needed for Advising and Teaching IP course for first year medical students Adam Lerner, M.D. has become Interim Chief, Section of Hematology- Oncology, a search for Chief will commence shortly Section Chiefs will be asked to outline elements of each Clinical Section’s Incentive plan prospectively for AY 2016 In process of reviewing performance of our billing vendor (Conifer) Geriatrics Section Chief candidate (H Day) will be visiting this week Consider signing up for Microsoft One Drive for computing storage needs through BU:
Research Update Research Funding July-April, 2015 up 91% compared to same period AY 2014 Pilot grant RFP will be distributed soon Research Faculty Compensation Committee report is being reviewed and portions implemented by small leadership group- draft recommendations soon
Faculty Development & Diversity Grants Open to ALL DOM FACULTY at all levels seeking to further their professional development Next deadline is July 14 th
Mid-Career Faculty Development Target audience Late Assistant Professors & Associate Professors Number of Faculty 12 FPF faculty Program Structure One year from January to December 2016 Meets off campus for six 2-day modules Applications accepted July 1 to October 5, 2015 Program Elements 360 evaluation & coaching Leadership project Senior and peer mentorship Meetings with inspirational leaders Experiential seminars focused on developing leadership skills
Minority Leadership Program Target audience BUSM under-represented minority in medicine faculty Number of Faculty Up to 20 per year Program Structure 9-months from October to June 1.5 hours every three weeks Applications accepted July , 2015 Program Elements Experiential seminars focused on effective leadership and fostering change from current role Learning community to successfully negotiate challenges, foster resiliency, and achieve goals Conversation Cafes with inspirational leaders
Unconscious Bias Training Everyday Bias training by Cook Ross AAMC selected consulting company focused on diversity, inclusion, cultural competency, leadership development, & organizational change March 16-18, 2016 Opportunity to participate in train-the-trainer
Faculty Development & Diversity Committee Seeking New Members All faculty from all sections, backgrounds, and career stages welcome Responsibilities Plan seminars & networking dinners, and review faculty development grants Improve programs and resources to meet faculty challenges Promote programs and resources offered among departmental colleagues Attend monthly meetings Please contact Robina if you are interested in
Please nominate your Colleagues for Faculty Awards Six Categories: Research Mentoring Junior Faculty Mentoring Outstanding Citizenship Special Recognition for Teaching Quality Improvement Clinical Excellence See: