–T–Tshwane 2055 a draft document for community and stakeholder consultation during this Outreach Programme. Tshwane 2055 is the long-term Growth and Development Strategy (GDS) for the Capital City of South Africa: Four Decades of game changing towards 2055 Revision of the City’s 2004 City Development Strategy: –C–CDS of 2004 is the reference point for the GDS 2055 –C–Changes since CDS: –G–Global Recession in 2008 –2–2011 amalgamation of former CoT with Metsweding District Municipality, Nokeng Tsa Taemane Local Municipality and Kungwini Local Municipality Therefore, a new strategy that recognises these changes are required In summary, the document defines the paradigm (our set of values), sets out the challenges and opportunities and defines the focus areas for the path ahead Introduction
Analysis of the levels of challenges, weaknesses and threats; – Changes in the global economy – Socio-economic issues, – Spatial fragmentation (work place far from home and other service areas), – Resource security (food, energy and water) – Urbanization and migration (movement of people from disadvantaged areas to places of opportunity) – Climate change issues (weather changes e.g. flooding, dry seasons, increased temperature impacting on life), – Poverty, unemployment, underdevelopment, and inequality – Youth bulge (more younger people increasing in number than older people) Setting the scene
Opportunities and assets and strengths – Young City (there’s more youth) – Strong knowledge and science base (Innovation capital) - A great number of tertiary and research institutions – Economic infrastructure investment potential – Green economy opportunities – Tshwane as a Capital city of the South Africa, – Home of diplomatic missions and embassies, 2 nd to Washington – 3 rd Largest Metropolitan municipality in the world in terms of size
Key Thematic Focus Areas 1.Governance (1 to 5 August 2012) 2.Health promotion and poverty alleviation (6 to 12 August 2012) 3.Sustainable development and natural resources (13 to 19 August 2012) 4.Economic Development (20 to 26 August 2012) 5.Smart city (27 August to 2 September 2012) 6.Transport (3 to 9 September 2012) 7.Liveable City (10 to 16 September 2012)
A call to shape the city’s future together WEBSITE: Facebook Twitter – #tshwane You Tube channel: Suggestion box: Regional Municipal Offices
WHAT IS A LIVEABLE CITY? A liveable city is convenient, efficient, safe, attractive and cost-effective for work, play and stay, meeting the needs and preferences of citizens taking into account broader social, environmental and economic interests.
TSHWANE A LIVEABLE CITY Tshwane 2055 is a city in which residents reside in liveable communities that are location-efficient, fully supported by efficient and attractive public transport options, compact and well-designed spaces that are fully pedestrianized; and accommodating a full spectrum of appropriate services and infrastructure that are maintained to high quality standards through smart urban and innovative rural management. Tshwane’s Liveable City will offer – Quality of Life – Promote Economic Growth – Support Sustainable Development
TODAY’S DISCUSSION Understanding the character and the value of rural areas within the rural management context; Role of innovation in rural areas in line with sustainable development; Responsibility of various stakeholders (communities, government, NGOs, private sector initiatives etc) in rural management;
CCrafting a response to rural planning; IIdentifying criteria for focal areas; UUnderstanding shortcomings of local government towards rural planning; BBuilding a stronger engagement process and building of partnerships TODAY’S DISCUSSION OBJECTIVES
A call to shape the city’s future together WEBSITE: Facebook Twitter – #tshwane You Tube channel: Suggestion box: Regional Municipal Offices