3. Ph.D. vs. Psy.D. What’s the Difference? To understand the difference between these degrees requires knowing something about the history of training in professional psychology Boulder (Ph.D.) vs. Vail (Psy.D.) Model
Boulder Model (1943) established Ph.D. as the terminal research degree, as in other sciences reinforced the idea that the university setting was the context for training established “scientist-practitioner” model of training
Vail Model (1973) psychological knowledge has matured sufficiently that it warrants an expressly professional training program Psy.D. established “Scholar/Professional” model housed in different contexts
Psy.D. vs. Ph.D. Three critical differences to emphasize Psy.D. degree is shorter Psy.D. dissertations can include integration of existing knowledge rather than the generation of new knowledge Psy.D. often provides less funding support
Psy.D. vs. Ph.D. Three critical similarities to emphasize Psy.D. and Ph.D. are both license-eligible Psy.D. and Ph.D. can both be APA-approved Psy.D. is becoming increasing common