October 14, 2005 UN. The Comprehensive Development Framework  Long-term holistic vision all major elements affecting development are considered together.


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Presentation transcript:

October 14, 2005 UN

The Comprehensive Development Framework  Long-term holistic vision all major elements affecting development are considered together and used to guide short- and medium-term actions articulated in a national development strategy, and linked to the budget through a MTEF  Country ownership strategic priorities are identified by developing countries themselves, with the involvement of relevant government institutions, civil society, including the poor and the private sector, and with technical advice from development assistance agencies  Country-led partnership development assistance is coordinated under government leadership, aligned with national development strategies and harmonized with country procedures and processes, including the national budget cycle  Results focus systematic evaluation of performance to measure progress, increase accountability and adjust strategy to emerging needs and setbacks

Are the CDF principles still valid? Growing consensus within the development community Growing consensus within the development community  Approach to development key to building country capacity as much as specific interventions such as training or technical assistance

Are the CDF principles still valid? Driving core principles of the PRS process as reiterated in the 2005 Bank/IMF PRS Review Driving core principles of the PRS process as reiterated in the 2005 Bank/IMF PRS Review  Comprehensive medium to long-term strategies, country-driven, partnership-oriented, results- oriented

Are the CDF principles still valid? Consistent with the 2005 World Summit Outcome Consistent with the 2005 World Summit Outcome  Called to Adopt, by 2006, and implement comprehensive national development strategies to achieve the internationally agreed development goals and objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals

Are the CDF principles still valid? Embedded in the Paris Declaration Embedded in the Paris Declaration  Basis for monitoring progress indicators 1 (Ownership) and 11 (Managing for Results)  Key to making progress in all Paris indicators (Alignment, Harmonization and Mutual Accountability)

Is the PRS facilitating use of the CDF principles? Our methodology Our methodology  59 countries with a PRS/IPRS or Transitional Results Matrix  Country groups analyzed by age of PRS and LICUS  20 indicators  LEADS assessment  Desk review  Input from Bank country teams  Survey of key external partners in each country  e-discussion  Roundtables

Long-Term Holistic Vision CDF Indicators CDF Indicators  Coherent long-term vision  Medium-term strategy derived from vision  Country-specific development targets  Holistic, balanced and well-sequenced strategy  Capacity and resources for implementation Basis for monitoring progress of Paris indicator 1 (Ownership)

Long-Term Holistic Vision Overall assessment Overall assessment  9 percent of partner countries have substantially or largely developed operational national development strategies

Long-Term Holistic Vision Detailed assessment

What will it take to meet the Paris indicator on operational development strategies? An example from Yemen Disconnect between national development strategy and PRS Disconnect between national development strategy and PRS  Strategic Vision 2025 linked to constitutionally- mandated Second Plan  Initially UNDP and World Bank working separately  PRS not integrated with the Vision or the Plan

What will it take to meet the Paris indicator on operational development strategies? An example from Yemen (cont.) Integrating national development strategy, PRS and MDGs Integrating national development strategy, PRS and MDGs  UN Millennium Project, UNDP and World Bank now working together in assisting the Government in updating the Plan  Third Plan , aligned with Strategic Vision and tailored to achieving MDGs, will become Yemen’s new PRS

Country Ownership CDF Indicators CDF Indicators  Government initiative  Institutional mechanisms for stakeholder involvement  Civil society involvement  Private sector involvement  Parliamentary involvement  Capacity to formulate strategy, e.g. distribution of skills and resources Instrumental for achieving Paris indicator on Mutual Accountability

Country Ownership Overall assessment Overall assessment  Country ownership is largely developed in 7 percent of partner countries where solid mechanisms of inter-ministerial coordination and institutionalized participation of civil society, private sector, and parliament have contributed to shaping the PRS content

Country Ownership Detailed assessment

What will it take to strengthen country ownership? An example from Kenya Strengthening initiative across government Strengthening initiative across government  ERS developed under the leadership of the Ministry of Planning and National Development with inputs from the Ministry of Finance and sector ministries  ERS implementation overseen by the Cabinet Committee of Economic Management, chaired by the Vice President  Line ministries developing sector strategies jointly

What will it take to strengthen country ownership? An example from Kenya (cont.) Institutionalizing participation Institutionalizing participation  Stakeholder participation limited to workshops and informal meetings to collect proposals during ERS formulation  Sector Working Groups including government and CSOs are now in place to conduct consultations on ERS implementation and participate in MDG needs assessment  A National Economic and Social Council will provide independent view on ERS implementation, when fully operational

Country-led Partnership CDF Indicators CDF Indicators  Government leadership of coordination  Partners’ assistance strategy alignment  Financial and analytical partnership  Coherent and coordinated capacity support  Harmonization with country systems  Partnership organization Instrumental for achieving Paris indicators on Alignment and Harmonization

Country-led Partnership Overall assessment Overall assessment  Country-led partnership is largely developed in 10 percent of partner countries where an essential role is played by the government in coordinating development assistance, leading to stronger alignment with the PRS and use of country systems

Country-led Partnership Detailed assessment

What will it take to reinforce government leadership of coordination, alignment and harmonization? An example from Burkina Faso Moving toward stronger government leadership of coordination Moving toward stronger government leadership of coordination  Government and UNDP co-chair in-country Roundtable meetings to coordinate development assistance  Government identified lead development assistance agencies in a number of sectors to facilitate daily coordination with external partners  Need to go toward full government leadership as capacity increases

What will it take to reinforce government leadership of coordination, alignment and harmonization? An example from Burkina Faso (cont.) Aligning assistance and capacity building under government leadership Aligning assistance and capacity building under government leadership  Government identified the CSLP II as the single framework for all external partners’ budgetary and project support  World Bank prepared new Country Assistance Strategy to support CSLP II  UNDAF building on CCA aligned with CSLP II  Government is developing a national capacity building plan in consultation with external partners

What will it take to reinforce government leadership of coordination, alignment and harmonization? An example from Burkina Faso (cont.) Strengthening country systems to support harmonization Strengthening country systems to support harmonization  Government has started strengthening fiduciary systems with coordinated external partners’ support (World Bank, EC, UNDP, France, AfDB)  External partners starting to harmonize around common project performance indicators

Results Focus CDF Indicators CDF Indicators  Quality of development information  Stakeholder access to development information  Coordinated country level monitoring and evaluation Basis for monitoring progress of Paris indicator 11 (Managing for Results)

Results Focus Overall assessment Overall assessment  4 percent of partner countries have substantially or largely developed transparent and monitorable performance assessment frameworks

Results Focus Detailed assessment

What will it take to meet the Paris indicator on results-oriented frameworks? An example from Honduras Enhancing country capacity to collect and analyze data Enhancing country capacity to collect and analyze data  National Statistics Bureau responsible for coordinating data collection and analysis  Government is developing a national statistical capacity building strategy with joint external partners’ support  Government information systems being integrated into single financial management system (SIAFI) tracking ERP budget planning and budget execution  Data posted on website but need for more dissemination

What will it take to meet the Paris indicator on results-oriented frameworks? An example from Honduras (cont.) Developing country-level M&E Developing country-level M&E  ERP Information System (SIERP) being integrated with SIAFI  Government prepared a SIERP Master Plan to guide monitoring activities through 2015  SIERP will be used to prepare a unified report serving as ERP Progress Report, report on MDGs and report for country policy makers

Overall findings No country where all four CDF principles fully embedded in the PRS process No country where all four CDF principles fully embedded in the PRS process  Long-term holistic vision and country ownership show the most progress  Country-led partnership and results focus show the least progress Countries implementing a PRS the longest are the most advanced Countries implementing a PRS the longest are the most advanced  LICUS/fragile states lagging behind

Recommendation 1 Encourage a stronger integration of long-term vision and PRS processes [to meet the World Summit target] Encourage a stronger integration of long-term vision and PRS processes [to meet the World Summit target]  Coordinate support among external partners for vision and PRS development encouraging consolidation of strategic planning institutions in partner countries  Promote integration of vision and PRS processes into constitutionally required or traditional planning processes  Encourage link in LICUS between short-term planning focused on recovery and long-term perspective developed through a participatory process

Recommendation 2 Help build up strategic capacity in line ministries, local governments and civil society while strengthening central coordination Help build up strategic capacity in line ministries, local governments and civil society while strengthening central coordination  Support inter-ministerial or Cabinet-wide coordination mechanisms at the policy and budget levels  Encourage synchronization of local development planning processes with PRS formulation and updates  Promote the creation of checks and balances between the executive and the legislature through the creation of parliamentary committees charged with following the PRS process  Support mechanisms for systematic stakeholder participation

Recommendation 3 Support government leadership of aid coordination, and increase coordination among development assistance agencies Support government leadership of aid coordination, and increase coordination among development assistance agencies  Defer CG and RT meetings to government chairmanship and hold them in-country to allow for a stronger role of local institutions  Update assistance strategies to align with national development strategies, intensifying the use of multi- donor budget support and SWAps  Make capacity building the central objective of joint analytical work

Recommendation 4 Provide coordinated support for scaling up M&E from project to sector to country level Provide coordinated support for scaling up M&E from project to sector to country level  Reduce fragmentation by supporting one country level M&E system rather than disparate project systems  Favor the mainstreaming of PRS Progress Reports and MDG Reports into existing reporting requirements for national institutions  Support development of country-owned statistical capacity building strategies within PRSs  Encourage the development of government communication strategies

Looking towards the future Expanding the methodology to include some MICs Expanding the methodology to include some MICs Welcome suggestions Welcome suggestions