Freshman Academy Health Class
This is the place where you will develop the necessary skills to get you (ALL of YOU) College bound in 4 years!!!! Mrs. Rogers Room 452
You must successfully complete this course in order to graduate high School
Or… you will NOT be allowed to graduate
Health & Wellness COURSE SYLLABUS Course: HEALTH AND WELLNESS Length: 1/2Year (5x a week) Credit: ½ Credit
Description: This course is designed to empower students to achieve their maximum potential for the betterment of self, family and community by helping to maintain their highest level of health and wellness. This program will promote effective learning by providing knowledge, developing skills and encouraging decision-making strategies that create positive attitudes and behaviors.
Books & Materials: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens, Sean Covey Teen Leadership Prentice Hall Health: Skills for Wellness Extra Help Day: Monday
Calculating Your Grade: Your grade is based on a variety of assessment measures. The specific types of assessment to be used and their weights relative to one another, or their percentage of your overall grade, are: Participation/Attendance Behavior/ Class work50% Tests/homework/Quizzes 25% Projects / Notebooks25% Grading Your Work: All of your work is graded on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest grade you can receive and 0 being the lowest. If you provide little or no work for a particular assessment, you receive a zero. Refer to your handbook for more details.
Make-up Work: From the day you return from an excused absence, you have one day for each day you were absent to make up work. You may still make up work after this deadline has passed, but your grade will be reduced by one mark for each day it is late. Attendance: In order to receive course credit, you may have no more than 5 excused or unexcused absences in this class per semester. Two unexcused tardy equal one absence. One Tardy equals next day Detention Absences related to mandatory school programs are excluded. See your handbook for details on regaining lost credit. Conduct: You are expected to display the New Britain High School virtues of respect, responsibility, civility and effort at all times.
Your Daily Schedule… /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8
Power School/Power Student
Power School
Mrs. Rogers Room 452
Seating Assignments Course Outline Expectations Classroom Rules and Procedures Daily Routine Fire Drill/Lock-Down Procedures Class Contract Dismissal Procedures
RULES AND EXPECTATIONS To miss as few classes as possible. (See attendance policy in student handbook) Must be ready to begin class immediately upon entering the room No disruptions or outbursts Conduct oneself in a polite and courteous manner Raise hands to speak to ensure an orderly and quiet class Room Respect others questions, comments and answers No interruptions of classmates or instructor No food, no drinks, no candy, no cell phones, no electronics allowed in class Be prepared for each and every class Must have note books for each and every class Bring writing utensils Homework is due on time Take note of all assignments from board or overhead projector Be on time to all classes Have a pass if late Abide by all rules and expectations for any substitutes Disciplinary action will be administered for any of the above infractions or at the discrepancy of the instructor. All handouts and notes must be kept in note books or folders and will be checked frequently and without notification. These checks will count as a class preparation grade. DAILY CLASS LESSON PROCEDURES Be seated in assigned seats and be ready to start class before bell rings. Check the board for notes/seat work. This work must be started immediately. This work will introduce and prepare you for the days lessons. Listen for attendance role call and respond. Participate in daily lesson. (Note-taking, active listening to lecture, verbal participation, etc.) Record daily homework/ assignments. Dismissal from class when bell rings ending the class time. IN THE CONTRACT
Period 1 “ Example”
Period 2 “ Example”
Period 3 “ Example”
Period 4 “ Example”
Period 7 “ Example”
No Bully Zone