Name Class
Review of Implementation Process Identify Critical Success Factors Define Change Management (big picture) Define Role of Corporate Politics and Other Pitfalls Discuss the Changing Roles in Technology Transfer Situations Overview of “Go Live” Issues and Concerns
Launch the Project Project Planning Define Standards and Procedures Technical Requirements Planning/Initiation Kick-off Define the “As Is” Business Blueprint -- what is the business Identify areas of needed change (re-engineering) Learn what SAP can and can not do
Design the “To Be” Re-engineer the processes that need changing Develop Detailed Design of how ERP will be configured to support the “To Be” business Configuration of system Design of Reports Design all interfaces Design and test all conversions Develop Implementation (Go Live) Plan Function and Integration Test
Implement or Go Live Install the Tested Configured System on the Production System Set up and Test the support system for users Train the users Populate the Database (bring in legacy data) Cut Over to New system
Continuous Visual Behavioral Support from Top Management Understand the Corporate Culture Surrounding Change: Ready the Organization for Change Make Changes to Organizational Structure Well in Advance of Go Live (before you start project is ideal) Document and Communicate Project Status Continuously Project Manager must be able to Stick to the Task/Deliverable Schedule
Project Team must be best at understanding the business and SAP Commitment to the Change (need to ride out the problems) Have a Team that Can Make Decisions Use a Good Project Management Methodology -- Commit to Use It
Change Management: Strategies for awareness, acceptance & incorporation of change into the organization’s environment Systems Administration of hardware and software components Version and Change Request Control Conducting business differently Verblen’s Principle (Weinberg and Gause 1989) “There’s no change, no matter how awful, that won’t benefit some people, and no change, no matter how good, that won’t hurt some.” Plan or Manage the Change so that users and System are ready at the same time and expectations on both sides are matched
Change Management 9 Change Manager Development Project Team Prepare Users Prepare System Convergence
Steering Committee Must Have Product and Process Champions or Stakeholders Communication needs to multi-channeled (up is as valued as down) Conflict resolution and knowledge acquisition are collaborative (information sharing not hoarding) Implementation Team (change management team) has a structure and roles of individuals are defined Resistance to Change is always there but may be hard to detect until after Go Live (Be Proactive)
ERP organizational assessment, change, design and support ERP performance measurement and optimization Training needs analyses and content development Training delivery and follow-up Communications planning and execution Post-implementation audit to track and report progress vs. the business case Obstacle identification and solution implementation Organizational enhancements designed to fully optimize new enterprise technologies