Landscapes of practice: the role of systems convener KM4Dev, December 20, 2013 PEMNA Retreat - Seoul November 18-22, 2013 PEMNA Retreat - Seoul November 18-22, 2013 PEMNA Retreat - Seoul November 18-22, 2013 Please introduce yourself in the chat. Tell us who you are, where you are located, what you do and if you belong to any organization. Thanks!
Phase I: Studies of apprenticeship Learning as trajectory into a community of practice legitimate peripheral participation
Phase II: self-organized professional development in international settings English for Specific Purposes: genres in international settings Portuguese participation in international practices Communities of practice as learning contexts International networks of communities of practice
TALearn learning and impact in transparency and accountability
Phase III: Complex communities … … at the crossroads of multiple practices missed learning potential
… learning as a reconfiguration of practice Phase III: Complex communities … … at the crossroads of multiple practices
Etienne & Beverly Wenger-Trayner Landscape of practice
A body of knowledge the repository
Landscapes of practice a social body of knowledge
Competence and knowledgeability Defined within a community of practice Claims to competence negotiated in the politics of community formation Defined in relation to a landscape of practice Claims to knowledgeability negotiated in the politics of landscapes of practice
Eastern and Southern African Public Accounts Committees
Systems conveners: convening across complex landscapes Do you know people who do this? What stories do you have about them?
Thank you! Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Trayner Please let us know in the chat what insights you are taking away from our session today.
Pioneering innovation balancing long and short term Getting buy-in brokering across boundaries Managing the intersection vertical and horizontal Sustaining coherence moving parameters personal mission passionate and strategic upbeat and persistent legitimacy across boundaries leverage personal networks Aspirational narrative: capturing imagination Meaningful engagement: cross-boundary encounters Strategic alignment: enabling significant results