Behind the Scenes – Scoping a Solution Chris Maertz, CTO
Session Goals Answer these questions: What is Project Scope? Why is it important? How are projects scoped? How does scope impact cost? Answer your questions!
11 What is Project Scope?
What is project scope
Pretty good definition! However, we make the following changes to the definition.
Project Scope Definition Project Scope is the part of the project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, general technical approaches, assumptions, constraints, deliverables in order to determine the costs and duration of a project. Should include any item which affect the cost and duration. Is developed when limited information is available.
What Project Scope is NOT? Functional Requirements Technical Specifications Specific functionality Specific approaches * Anything that may impact the cost or duration are exceptions to the above and should be included in project scope.
22 Why Project Scope is important…
Please build me a bridge. OK. Great. Thanks. Let me know when you’re done. OK. I’m done. I’ll send a picture.
Huh?!?!? I said a bridge. That is a bridge. But…that is not the kind of bridge I wanted. I wanted it to look more like this….
You should have said so. I thought I did. :-( Should have scoped that better.
The Importance of Project Scope Organizations undertake projects to bring value to their organization. The primary goal of project scoping is to ensure a project brings value to the organization. Continuously ask yourself if the project is bringing value to the organization. Only you – the customer – can answer this.
33 How are projects scoped?
SMC Client SMC Client Client Signs Client Reviews Provide SOS Document Scope Meetings Our Services Engagement Process Includes all phone calls, s and other discussions leading up to the request for a proposal. Very Important! Once the SOS is signed, changes are handled with Change Control/Request.
Dependencies? Environment? Resources? Unknowns? Licensing? What documentation is required? What types of services? What training is required? What Software will be used? What functionality will be used? How much automation? Are there integrations with other systems? What is the criteria for success? What must be accomplished? Project Scoping Cost Duration
Tips for Project Scoping Scope only what is needed. Ask Stakeholders what they need. What is the minimum viable product (or solution) for you to get a return on the investment and bring value to the organization? Consider other systems when scoping. A simple scope change in your project may drastically increase or decrease effort in other systems. Be willing to challenge business requirements that have large impacts on cost or deadlines.
44 What impacts Project Scope?
Hypothetical Project A medium sized manufacturer needs a better solution for managing and processing the increasing number of invoices they receive from their vendors. They’d like to reduce the effort it takes to receive an invoice, get the information into their ERP system and then mail a check.
Project Scope for AP Solution Store invoices electronically. Route invoices for approval. Update ERP system with invoice information. Store checks with the transaction
SMC performing all work. Customer will provide daily file with PO info. Functional Requirements User Guide Train-the-trainer Kofax Capture & OnBase Workflow Basic capture, minimal indexing Manual Routing KFI into ERP system Reduce amount of time required to process invoices. Improve visibility of outstanding payables. AP Solution – Option 1 Cost Duration $$$
SMC performing all work. Customer will provide daily file with PO info. Work must be complete by next ERP upgrade. Functional Requirements Install 3 environments User Guide Train-the-trainer Kofax Capture & OnBase Workflow Basic capture, minimal indexing Manual Routing Integrate with ERP system Reduce amount of time required to process invoices. Accommodate increase in invoice volume without increasing staff. AP Solution – Option 2 Cost Duration $$$
SMC performing all work. Customer will provide daily file with PO info. Work must be complete by next ERP upgrade. Functional Requirements Install 3 environments User Guide User training KTM & OnBase Workflow Full data extraction Automated Routing Integrate with ERP system Reduce amount of time required to process invoices. Accommodate increase in invoice volume without increasing staff. AP Solution – Option 3 Cost Duration $$$
Cost, Duration & Value If the goal of any project is to bring value to an organization, the Value must be weighed against the Cost & Duration of any project scope.
Goal of Capture Software Take a stack of paper (or group of files) and efficiently isolate each page or group of pages as a unique document, differentiated by the information it contains with as much automation as possible. Invoice from ABC Supply Credit Memo from Bike Wheel Corp Statement from ABC Supply Invoice from Big Ring Sprockets
Separate Pages into Documents Separate Doc 1 Doc 2 Doc 3 Doc 4 Identify the start and end of each document
Classify Documents Separate Classify Doc 1 Doc 2 Doc 3 Doc 4 Invoice Credit Memo Statement Invoice Identify the type of the document
Identify each Document Uniquely Separate Classify Identify Doc 1 Doc 2 Doc 3 Doc 4 Assign unique metadata to document Invoice Credit Memo Statement Invoice Invoice from ABC Supply Credit Memo from Bike Wheel Corp Statement from ABC Supply Invoice from Big Ring Sprockets
Accomplishing Each Step Manually Fixed Page Patch Sheets Barcodes Classification Separate Manually Barcodes Form Identification Layout or Image Classification Content Classification Classify Manually Barcodes External Data Automated Fixed Zone Intelligent Identify These scope decisions impact cost & duration, but also impact value to the organization.
Goal of Workflow Software Simplify management of work items or transactions to ensure timely completion and efficient handling of process exceptions while gaining process insight and auditability.
Provide Visibility & Tracking Visibility Work Item 1 Work Item 2 Work Item 3 Work Item 4
Routing Work Items Routing Could be manual or based on business rules Visibility Work Item 1 Work Item 2 Work Item 3 Work Item 4 Work Item 1 for Chris Work Item 2 for Ben Work Item 3 for Katie Work Item 4 for Shannon
Integration with External Systems Integrate Integrate manually or automatically with other systems. Routing Visibility Work Item 1 Work Item 2 Work Item 3 Work Item 4 Work Item 1 for Chris Work Item 2 for Ben Work Item 3 for Katie Work Item 4 for Shannon Work Item 1 Complete Work Item 2 Complete Work Item 3 Exception Work Item 4 Complete
Quantity Time to complete SLA Shared work queue Even distribution Rules Based Manual Manual data entry to external system Direct integration Accomplishing Each Step Integrate Routing Visibility These scope decisions impact cost & duration, but also impact value to the organization.
Other Factors to Consider Don’t automate bad processes and don’t blindly automate a business process. Consider long-term Total Cost of Ownership, not just implementation cost. Consider future changes and account for necessary flexibility.
Does the scope bring value to my organization? > Does the scope include what must be accomplished? Is the scope detailed enough to properly set expectations? If you answered yes to all the questions, we’re done here. Thank you.
Thank you! Chris Maertz, CTO |