Bringing Home Baby 50 Lessons Over Easy 1
Swaddling a Baby swaddle-a-baby_ bc 2
Types of Car seats Rear Facing: These are for newborn to one year old. Use these till they are a year old and 20 lbs. Convertibles: Fact to the rear for babies up to one year old and then face forward for toddler front facing seat. 3
Conventional: These are for older children who are still under 40 lbs. Booster: These are for children who weigh more than 40lbs and are too heavy for conventional car seats. 4
All seats must meet federal safety standards, but safety experts say that seats with five- point harness restraint systems are the safest. 5
Car seat an-infant-car-seat_ bc 6
Tips for Care Seat Safety 1. Follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions exactly. As many as half of the car seats used today are installed incorrectly. 2. Be sure to use a locking clip if your car’s seatbelt will not lock in place once the seat is installed. 7
3. To securely install a seat, use the full weight of your knee to press it down into the car’s seat while tightening the seatbelt to the child’s care seat or it’s base. 4. Never use a child’s car seat in the front seat of a care with passenger side airbag. 8
5. The safest place for a child’s care seat is in the rear, middle seat. 6. Many hospitals, fire stations and police departments provide car seat checks to ensure that you have installed a child’s car seat correctly. 9
7. Adjust the harness height as your baby grows. Position the harness height correctly. 10
Bringing Home Baby home-baby-twins-second-day.html 11
Bringing Baby Home Handout, pg