Background Articles on Qin
Uniting China
Standardizing China’s Culture
Conflicts with Scholars
Building the Wall
Emperor’s Death and Burial
Qin a Villain or a Hero: Argument Essay Organizer
Paragraph 1 – (Exordium) You want to hook the reader with interesting facts that will grab his/her attention about heroes/villains and therefore want to read the remainder of your essay. Interesting Facts about heroes/villains:
Paragraph 2 – (Narration) You want to provide general and interesting information about Qin/Qin dynasty for the reader. Interesting information about Qin/Qin dynasty:
Paragraph 3 – (Confirmation) You want to clearly state your opinion (thesis) in the first sentence as to whether you believe Qin is a hero or a villain. Then give your first reason for your decision with evidence (facts/details/etc.) to support and back up your reason. THESIS: I believe Qin Shi Huang Di is a _________. Reason: Evidence –
Paragraph 4 – (Extension of your Confirmation) You want to provide your second reason as to why you believe Qin is a hero/villain along with the evidence (facts/details/etc.) to support and back up your reason. Reason: Evidence –
Paragraph 5 – (Extension of your Confirmation) You want to provide your third reason as to why you believe Qin is a hero/villain along with the evidence (facts/details/etc.) to support and back up your reason. Reason: Evidence –
Paragraph 6 – (Refutation) You want to present an opposing reason to your thesis and explain why this opposing view/reason is weak or wrong. Opposing Reason/View: Evidence to discredit it –
Paragraph 7 – (Peroration) You want to wrap up your argument as to why Qin is a hero/villain by restating your thesis (from paragraph 3) and also giving your reader something to think about as you end your argument. Thesis: To Think About –
Now use this organizer to help you write your rough draft.
Introduction Is well written 2 Includes It 1 Not Included 0 Narration Is well written 2 Includes It 1 Not Included 0 DeclarationIs well written 2 Includes It 1 Not Included 0 Claims/ReasonsThree well given reasons 3 Two well given reasons 2 One well given reason 1 No given reasons 0 Evidence/Support of claims/reasons Effective evidence given for each claim 3 Effective evidence given for most claims 2 Ineffective evidence given 1 No evidence given 0 RefutationPresents an opposing view and discredits it 3 Presents an opposing view and somewhat discredits it 2 Tries to present an opposing view and discredit it 1 No opposing view given 0 ConclusionIs well written 2 Includes It 1 Not Included 0 Capitalization / Spelling Punctuation / Grammar No errors 3 One to two errors 2 Three to six errors 1 Seven or more errors 0 Extra-credit for being typed and turned in on time Yes 2 No 0 Total Essay Score Argument Essay Rubric: Qin a Hero or a Villain