Mason Hughes, Arek Hively and Jacob Mazzei
Type of Disease Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Can also be known as MRSA.
Description of MRSA It’s a bacterial infection. Resistant to most antibiotics Has multiple symptoms, ways to be spread and cures.
History of MRSA Staph was first discovered in the 1880’s. In the 1940’s medical treatment became routine. Due to misuse and overuse of antibiotics staph evolved into MRSA which is resistant to most antibiotics. In 1961, a British scientist named the strain of bacterium MRSA. The first human case of MRSA in the United State was in MRSA is still evolving and becoming resistant to more and more antibiotics.
Symptoms of MRSA First, small spider bites. Red irritated skin Swelling and boils Pus or drainage
Transmissions of MRSA Close skin-to-skin contact Sharing of towels, clothes, hats, razors and sports equipment Hospital mattresses, sheets and pillows.
Origin of MRSA Was first named by a British scientist but the location is unknown.
Cures and Treatments of MRSA Draining the abscess or boil Skin Cream to apply to the infected areas(Bactroban) Specific antibiotics(Bactrim)
Works Cited "Antimicrobial (Drug) Resistance." NIH. N.p., 03 Apr Web. 20 Feb "Bactroban Ointment®." McGuff Company, Inc, 02 Feb Web. 24 Feb Hughes, Mason. Personal Interview. 20 Febuary "MRSA." muschealth. Medical University of South Carolina. Web. 24 Feb "WebMD." Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). Healthwise, Incorporated, 14 Mar Web. 20 Feb "Thinking Ethically About MRSA." Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, n.d. Web. 24 Feb 2013.
Cont. "Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Infection – MRSA." current health events : current health articles, health Blog, 28 Dec Web. 24 Feb 2013.