The Hungarian Communication Strategy Challenges of planning efficient communication Open Days, BRUSSELS 07/10/2008
MESSAGE??? The European Social Fund through projects of the Social Renewal Operational Programme is investing in your future.
BACKGROUND – specialities of Hungary no regional, but local identity 15 OPs – 7 regional 8 horizontal double challenge: communicating the results of , mobilization for
STRUCTURE of communication End of 2006: establishment of significantly simpler, more transparent and most probably faster operating institutional system NDA Segregation of duties: National Development Agency Communication Department –general communication at national level –strategic planning –coordination of players –evaluation Intermediate Bodies –programme communication and targeted information at regional level –keeping contact with potential applicants and beneficiaries –targeted information closely connecting to applications and projects Beneficiaries –inform the public locally on the implementation of development –ensure the widest possible publicity of project
CHALLENGES of new programming period Learning from Changing communication regulations of EC Successful implementation of NSRF establish communication on new, strategic ground
DILEMMAS Need for professional and efficient communication vs. fulfillment of requirements Strong EU skepticism vs. vision of fast developments Efficient communication needs to: Respect the laws of the game Eliminate skepticism Create an authentic atmosphere
Negotiations and ASSESSMENT Hungary’s member state-level communication strategy pursuant to Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1828/2006 June 2007: 1st version: MA/NDA/EC consultation (remarks, recommendations: 2nd version) Officially submitted to EC: October 2007 Commission remarks and requirements for modification December, 2007: Role of MAs and MCs Plans according to OP Evaluation Financial planning Modified plan Further negotiations in spring 2008 Final approvement: June 2008
IMPLEMENTATION - communication campaign Role: raising awareness and sparking involvement of population, generating interest, presenting development areas and results in three stages Tools: –Mass media: TV, radio, outdoor advertising –Local media: presenting achievements through successful NDP projects on sponsored pages in printed media Messages: –You are a part of it! - December 2007 –Get the best out of yourself! – March 2008 –It’s good to be proud! – June 2008
Stage 1: „You are a part of it” campaign You are a part of it! It’s not that there will be a successful and new Hungary some time in the future, but there is already. You are part of it! You just have to work for it!
Stage 2: „Get the best out of yourself!” campaign Get the best out of yourself! Thanks to European Union developments there are already results, now’s the time to get the best out of ourselves!
Stage 3: „It’s good to be proud” campaign It’s good to be proud! There are concrete results of the EU developments, we just have to see them! We have something to be proud of in the areas of the economy, human resources, environmental protection and infrastructural developments!
IMPLEMENTATION – events New Hungary Boulevard Theme: occasion of the approval of the NHDP OPs and the mass announcement of the calls for applications Date: 19 August Venue: Andrássy Avenue Attracted some people to Andrássy Avenue „Straight way” accessible outdoor festival Theme: the one-day long event on Margit Island introduced the accessibility programs of Regional Operatív Program and Human Resorces Operatív Program. Participants: the whole public, people with disadventages, NGOs, the potential beneficiaries of the ROP accessibility call for applications, press, opinion shapers Date: July Venue: Margit Island
IMPLEMENTATION - Television programmes Animated film series Key messages of cohesion policy presented in 34 episodes co-produced by NDA and the Hungarian National Television Channel. 2-minute spots aired weekdays before the evening News on MTV January - May
„EU-phoria” mini series 2-minute short films on finalized NSRF projects, aired weekday evenings at prime time. February – June 2008 IMPLEMENTATION - Television programmes „Európai Idő” (European Time) magazine TV magazine-style coverage of EU topics, achievements, tendering system in 12-minute slots, aired on Sundays February – December 2008
„Jóban rosszban” (For better, for worse) – the popular soap opera clinic tenders for an EU grant! How the EU tendering and funding system works in practice as presented in the hit hospital soap opera series. February – December 2008 IMPLEMENTATION - Television programmes „Európa meg Én” (Europe and Me) mini series 1-minute short films of finalized NSRF projects, aired weekday evenings at prime time. May – July 2008
PUBLICATION of list of beneficiaries
THANK YOU for your attention! Judit SZŰCS National Development Agency