10-2 Growth of News CNN roots Opportunities abound for placement Television news 24 hrs. a day Diverse offerings such as Food Channel, History Channel, MTV, and others News magazines Talk shows (The good, the bad, and the ugly) Reality TV
10-3 Public relations practitioners must be vigilant when it comes to representing their client.
10-4 Electronic Media Relations involves preparation in the following areas: Television interviews Video News Releases Satellite Media Tours Public Service Announcements Video Conferences Talk Radio
10-5 Some guidelines for TV interviews Do prepare the spokesperson, audience, and reporter Interviewees should be relaxed Exercise openness and honesty Brevity is important Straightforward answers Dress appropriately
10-6 Guidelines contd. Don’t be on the defensive Everything said will not be aired Try not to let the interviewer dominate control Never say “no comment” Do stop
10-7 Video News Release or VNR A VNR is a news release in video format VNRs are used to handle breaking news, press conferences, and news announcements. Frequently, they are delivered by satellite directly to TV newsrooms when breaking news occurs. At other times evergreen VNRs are delivered by cassette, disk, and CD-Rom to broadcasters because of their timeless content.
10-8 Question What is B-roll? How is B-roll used by TV stations? Hint: The cutting room floor
10-9 A Litany of Questions for VNR Use What is the expectation of the VNR? How should a VNR be distributed? Are you out of luck if a VNR doesn’t get picked up? How important is it to localize a VNR?
10-10 VNR Use Litany contd. Do all stations use VNRs? What makes a good VNR? What kinds of subjects should a VNR treat? When is a VNR not appropriate? How much should a VNR cost?
10-11 There are great opportunities, but there are costs involved in the preparation of a VNR. Expensive to produce and distribute Time commitment Timely Newsworthy Appropriate and ethical
10-12 Satellite Media Tours SMTs SMTs are used when it is not convenient for spokespersons/interviewees to travel great distances. SMTs simplify the logistics by having pre- set interviews, conducted via satellite between the spokesperson and TV station personalities around the world.
10-13 The successful SMT follows these steps: Define objectives Pitch the SMT & Inform/send materials Flexible scheduling Satellite time B-roll availability Phone line availability Spokesperson briefing Prepare for the unexpected Avoid being obviously commercial
10-14 Public Service Announcements PSAs TV and/or radio spots, seconds long and are set at no cost to the sponsor. Non-profit organizations use PSAs frequently. There are three broad types of PSAs: public affairs, public relations, and marketing communications
10-15 PSAs Broadcasters use the following criteria in determining which PSAs go on the air: 1. Sponsorship 2. Relevance of the message to the community 3. Message design
10-16 Example of 20-second PSA President Bush asked all Americans to volunteer their time for the service of others. By giving of yourself, you are helping to improve yourself and your community, and are doing your part to make a difference in the world. The Volunteers of America need your help. Sign up today, and make someone’s life a lot more fulfilling—yours. This message is brought to you by the Advertising Council.
10-17 Videoconferences Scheduled meeting connected around the world by satellite. Their purpose is to connect and convey messages across the globe. Videoconferences can be enhanced with interaction among the participants and visuals.
10-18 Radio 11,000 radio stations across the country TV outlets Half of all U.S. adults listen to the radio regularly Talk radio has increased
10-19 Opportunities in Radio for Public Relations Practitioners Product promotion On-air mentions and actualities Contests and giveaways tied to product Remote broadcasts to promote
10-20 In order to have public relations efforts heard on the radio, consider the following: A strong focused message Localization Positive spokesperson Timeliness
10-21 Exercise You work for a health-related non-profit organization that has little money to spend on advertising. What types of electronic tools would you choose to get the word out there? Defend your choices.