1. William Shakespeare was an English guy who lived and wrote lots of poems and about 38 plays. 2. The time was the late Renaissance, or the Elizabethan period, which involved the ideas of humanism, interest in classical models and a reaction against medieval concepts. 10 things to know before studying Much Ado
3. Shakespeare wrote his plays for the Globe Theatre, which had some specific features. 4. The plays were very popular entertainments which appealed to a wide range of social classes. 10 things to know before studying Much Ado
5. The plays fall into several genres, each of which has its own rules and expectations: we are most interested in Tragedy & Comedy. 6. The plays all have the structure of the 5 act play. 7. Large parts of the plays are written in blank verse.
10 things to know before studying Much Ado 8. The plays use lots of figurative language: imagery, metaphor, allusion and analogy. 9. Shakespeare uses soliloquy and dramatic irony. 10. Shakespeare is one of the best regarded and most important playwrights in the world, even today.