ECOSS Environmental Coalition of South Seattle
Mission Statement ECOSS is a non-profit organization working with Puget Sound businesses and neighborhoods for an environmentally responsible community. ECOSS provides environmentally-oriented education, technical resources and other services. We serve as a voice for the community on issues that encourage a clean environment and urban redevelopment.
ECOSS ECOSS is non-profit organization ECOSS has a Board of Directors ECOSS receives funds from a variety of sources: – Membership – Donations – Foundation grants – Government contracts
ECOSS Programs Business Programs – Environmental Extension Service Community Building Projects – Neighborhood improvements – Parks, libraries, art, infrastructure ECOSS Multi-Cultural Outreach Team (EMCOT) – Greening Ethnic Businesses – “At Home” Residential Program
EMCOT Program Staff Mayra Ayala – Latino Community Jeanne Johnson – ESL Communities (Asian Pacific Islanders, Taiwanese, Cambodian) Tigist Nigash – East African Communities Tien Duong-Le & Lee Chang – Vietnamese Community – Currently, staff speak 6 Languages: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Amharic (Ethiopia), Tigrinian (Eritrea) and Somalian
Greening Ethnic Businesses Program Working with small and medium-sized, ethnically owned/operated Seattle businesses Providing free spill kits, spill plans, training and other stormwater information Soliciting participation in City energy & water conservation programs Improve recycling programs Establish food waste composting programs
“At Home” Program Outline Hired staff in to work with families to reduce use of hazardous materials in their homes and increase recycling; partnering with local agencies Expanded program to teach water and energy conservation. Added smoking cessation program in 2004 International staff working in their own communities
ECOSS and the EJNA program Each community is at a different stage in the EJNA process Based on their stage, EMCOT staff is assisting, convening, organizing or leading the community-based organizations We will now give examples from each community
Working extensively in the community since 1996 Outreach examples: – Buddhist Community – Catholic Community – Elders – Children and Youth – Community organizations – Families Tien Duong - Le Vietnamese Community
Jeanne Johnson – ESL Communities Asian Pacific Islanders Taiwanese Khmer
Jeanne Johnson – ESL Communities Working extensively in the community since 1997 Outreach examples: - Health care, baby care and parenting groups - Families, Children and Youth - Community organizations - Assisting in leading the Environmental Justice Network in Action (EJNA) in the Khmer (Cambodian) and Taiwanese
Mayra Ayala – Latino Community Working extensively in the community since 1995 Outreach examples: - Churches - Health care, baby care and parenting groups - Families, Children and Youth - Community organizations - Convener and Organizer for the Environmental Justice Needs Assessment (EJNA) in the Latino community
Tigist Nigash- East African Community Working extensively in the community since 1998 Outreach examples: - Community organizations - Convener and Organizer for the Environmental Justice Needs Assessment (EJNA) in the East African community - Horn of Africa - Somali Community Organization - Also working with - Ethiopian Community Organization - Ethiopian Business Association - Health care, baby care and parenting groups - Families, Children and Youth
Take Away Messages Every community is different One size does not fit all It is not just simple translation of utility information, but we need to work to find out what the unique approach is for different communities
Thank you very much Do you have any questions?