TB Case Rates ( ) National and State Cases per 100,000 Population MD DHMH OCT 2007
TB Case Rates ( ) State, Counties and City Cases per 100,000 Population MD DHMH OCT 2007
TB Case Rates,* United States, 2006 < 3.5 (year 2000 target) 3.6–4.6 > 4.6 (national average) D.C. *Cases per 100,000.
New TB Cases by Jurisdiction Maryland 2006 n = 253 MD DHMH OCT cases No TB cases cases
Proportion of Cases by Origin Maryland 1997 to 2006 MD DHMH OCT 2007
Country of Origin Maryland Foreign-born TB Cases, Cases 30% Americas Mexico 33% Africa Ethiopia 11% SE Asia India 20% W Pacific Philippines 5% Europe Russia
MD DHMH OCT 2007 Proportion of Foreign-Born TB Cases By World Region (WHO) Maryland
English 49% Spanish 23% Amharic9%Cambodian1% Vietnamese5%Chinese1% Korean4%Mandarin1% Creole2%Portuguese1% French2%Russian1% Burmese1%Tagalog1% Primary Languages Spoken Foreign-Born TB Cases Maryland 2006 MD DHMH OCT 2007
TB Cases per 100,000 population Tuberculosis Case Rates by Origin Maryland MD DHMH OCT 2007
TB Cases per 100,000 population TB Case Rates by Race / Ethnicity Maryland 1997 to 2006 MD DHMH JULY 2006
TB Cases by Race / Ethnicity Maryland 2006 MD DHMH OCT 2007 All Cases 253 US-Born Cases 82
TB Cases per 100,000 population MD DHMH OCT 2007 TB Case Rates By Sex Maryland,
TB Cases per 100,000 population TB Case Rates By Age Group Maryland, MD DHMH OCT 2007
TB Cases by Age Group Maryland 2006 MD DHMH OCT 2007 n = 253
Proportion of Cases CityCountiesStateNational * Homeless9%1%2%6% Corrections3%0% 4% LTCF9%4%5%2% Other High-Risk Populations Maryland TB Cases, 2006 Congregate Living * 2005 National Data MD DHMH OCT 2007
Proportion of Cases CityCountiesStateNational * Health Care0%4% 3% Corrections0% Migrant0% 1% Unemployed54%38%40%57% Other High-Risk Populations Maryland TB Cases, 2006 Occupational Risk * 2005 National Data MD DHMH OCT 2007
Proportion of INH And Multi-drug Resistance In TB Cases with Susceptibility Testing Maryland (Baltimore City Included), MD DHMH OCT 2007 INH ResistanceMDR