Where in the World Are We? International & ESOL Program Albemarle County Schools Courtney Stewart, Coordinator
Virginia LEP Enrollment (VDOE 228% increase in 10 years
LEP Compared to all Students
Enrollment by Region (VDOE Data)
Enrollment by Region (-4) (VDOE Data) 123
Virginia Distribution of ELP (DOE Data)
ACPS LEP Enrollment Trends Fall Reports
ACPS and LEP Enrollment (Fall Report, less Pre-K)
Number of Students by School (March 2009) SCHOOLLEVEL 1LEVEL 2LEVEL 3LEVEL 4M1M2EXITTOTAL Agnor-Hurt AHS Baker Butler Broadus Wood Brownsville Burley Cale Crozet Greer Henley Hollymead Jouett Merywether Lewis Monticello Murray E Red Hill Scottsville Stone Robinson Stony Point Sutherland Walton Western Albemarle Woodbrook Yancey Total Percent of Total21% 16%14%15%12% 100%
LEP Distribution Division by Level
LEP Distribution Schools by Level
Languages Spanish422English8Telugu3Twi2 Chinese- Mandarin59Greek8Tigrinya3Armenian1 Korean52 Serbo- Croatian8Bengali2Bosnian1 Russian25Farsi7Bulgarian2Catalan1 Turkish16Japanese6Ewe2Chinese-Yue1 Arabic14Urdu6Georgian2Hausa1 Burmese13Albanian5Hebrew2Indonesian1 German13Portugese5Italian2Maimai1 French11Amharic3Panjabi2Marathi1 Hindi11Kachin3Patois2Persian1 Mayalayam11Norwegian3Swahili2Polish1 Vietnamese11Tagalog3Thai2Shanghainese1 Nepali9Tamil3Tshivenda2Tiwa, Northern1
Countries United States324Sudan6Bulgaria2 Bosnia & Herzegovina1 Mexico131Iraq5Costa Rica2Canada1 Korea, South39Brazil4Ethiopia2Cote D'lvoire1 Honduras32Chile4Ghana2Croatia1 El Salvador25France4Greece2Kazakastan1 India23Guatemala4Israel2Macedonia1 Russian22Kenya4Jamaica2Nigeria1 China18Pakistan4Liberia2Panama1 Myanmar8Afghanistan3South Africa2Poland1 Nepal8Georgia3Uzbekistan2Puerto Rico1 Thailand8Guyana3Yugoslavia2Samoa1 Turkey8Japan3Armenia1Singapore1 Colombia6Norway3Azerbaijan1Somalia1 Congo, DR6Philippines3Bahamas1Switzerland1 Germany6Ukraine3Barbados1Taiwan1 Iran6Argentina2Belize1Yemen1
Demographics 777 are Limited English Proficient (LEP) 1289 Linguistically/Culturally Diverse 65 countries 324 of LEP born in the USA 53 languages 81 Refugees 756 immigrants
Refugees: 81 Afghanistan Iraq Nepal Myanmar Russia (Meskhetian Turks) Somali Bantu Sudan DRC Liberia Ethiopia Bosnia Central America South America
ESOL Staffing Elementary—16 schools Middle—5 schools High—4 CATEC 19 full-time teachers 7 part-time+ teachers 3 hourly teachers 3 teacher assistants 1 full-time parent liaison position 2 intake specialists 1 coordinator
Targets Literacy through content Parent Involvement and Family Support Identification/Referral Systems Professional Development Newcomer Support College/University and Vocational partnerships
Instructional Program 1.Sheltered Instruction 2.ESOL Classes 3.Collaborative Models Funding Title III Instructional Budget Grants
Support Programs CATEC/ESOL collaboration Newcomer Center Conversation Partners Home tutoring Intake Center Family Support Workers Latina Girls Big Brothers, Big Sisters Latina Girls Pre-K/Head Start/Bright Stars
Outreach Adult Education Program Title I Collaboration Parent Programs Interpreters and Translation Support Volunteer Programs University Partnerships (UVA, GMU) Ongoing Professional Development
Challenges Interrupted schooling/mobility LEPs born in the US Staffing/tutoring Adjusting Program to meet changes NCLB Testing Requirements Special Education testing
Triumphs Exceed Progress and Proficiency Targets Graduation rates are excellent Responsive Programs Focus on Intervention/SBIT LEP membership group a plus Highly qualified and trained teachers