Collaborative Equity & Diversity Planning Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Presented by Lane ESD Equity Advisory Committee.


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Presentation transcript:

Collaborative Equity & Diversity Planning Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Presented by Lane ESD Equity Advisory Committee Members

Collaborative Equity & Diversity Planning Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Let’s look at the data… Student Demographics Student Achievement Impact Beyond K12 Why is this important?

Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Why is this important? Student Demographics

Percentage of All Students Oregon Public Schools Source: Oregon Statewide Report Card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Percentage Change in 10 Years Oregon Public Schools Total Enrollment by Ethnicity Source: Oregon Statewide Report Card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Percentage Increase in 10 Years Oregon Public Schools Special Education, English Language Learners and Economically Disadvantaged Source: Oregon Statewide Report Card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

As of the school year … there were just under 68,000 Oregon public school students for whom English is not their language of origin. Source: Oregon State Report card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

2008 Oregon K-12 top 50 languages in order of highest number of speakers: Source: Oregon State Report card English Spanish Russian Vietnamese Fanti Chinese Korean Ukrainian Somali Romanian Duala Hmong Chuukese Arabic Japanese Marshallese Tagalog Gallegan Lao Thai Hindi Geez Persian Hebrew Samoan Oromo French Telugu German Turkish Bosnian Punjabi Chechen North American Indian Burmese Portuguese Amharic Urdu Dravidian Australian languages Karen South American Indian Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Percent Minority Enrollment Lane County Districts 2001/2009 Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity While generally minority enrollment increased… 5 rural districts experienced a decrease in minority enrollment

Minority Students and Teachers Oregon Public Schools Source: Oregon Statewide Report Card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Why is this important? Student Achievement

Oregon Reading: Grade 3 Percent Meeting State Standards Source: Oregon Statewide Report Card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Oregon Math: Grade 3 Percent Meeting State Standards Source: Oregon Statewide Report Card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Oregon Math: Grade 10 Percent Meeting State Standards Source: Oregon Statewide Report Card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Oregon Reading: Grade 10 Percent Meeting State Standards Source: Oregon Statewide Report Card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Oregon Writing: Grade 10 Percent Meeting State Standards Source: Oregon Statewide Report Card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Middle and High School Suspensions by Ethnicity and Gender Oregon school district of approx. 16,000 students Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Middle and High School Suspensions* by Ethnicity Oregon school district of approx. 16,000 students *Suspensions defined as out of school suspensions or suspensions pending expulsion. 18 Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

2008 Oregon SAT scores Source: Oregon Statewide Report Card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Disproportionate representation in TAG Enrollment – Oregon 2007 Percent of TAG students Percent of All students White Hispanic Native American Asian/Pacific Islander African American Economically disadvantaged Source: Oregon State Report card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Percent of Total Enrollment per Ethnicity in Special Education, Oregon Source: Oregon Statewide Report Card and IDEA Data Childcount Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Graduation Rates by Ethnicity Oregon Source: Oregon Statewide Report Card Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Why is this important? Impact Beyond K12

Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Oregon Per Capita Income as Percent of White Only Per Capita Income

6-Year Graduation Rates for first-time, full- time freshmen entering U/O, 1999 Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity

Incarceration Rates for Male Prisoners Sentenced to More Than One Year in State or Federal Prison Source: U.S Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin “Prisoners in 2006” Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity per 10,000 of total US population as of January 1, 2007

Collaborative Equity & Diversity Planning Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity So…. What’s Happening at Lane ESD and Within Lane County?

Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity What’s Happening… Core Values Equity Commitment Leadership Collaboration Integrity –Hired an Equity Specialist –Formed Equity Committees Internal External –Created an Equity Plan –Implementing Plan Lane ESD’s journey …

Hired an Equity Specialist Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Position created to… Accommodate existing professional development needs within the ESD and component districts. Initially the primary services were to the largest component district

Formed Equity Committees Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Equity Advisory Committee (EAC) –“External” Committee –Membership including community members, representatives from higher education and K12. –Brings a breadth and depth of experience to advise Lane ESD on Equity Issues. See “Equity Advisory Committee” on Page 2 of the ESD’s Equity Plan

Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Internal Committee –Membership includes Lane ESD’s Superintendent, Executive Management and Equity Specialist –Provides a “communication hub” to and from the Equity Advisory Committee (EAC) –Develops strategies for internal staff development See “Equity Advisory Committee” on Page 2 of the ESD’s Equity Plan Formed Equity Committees

Created an Equity Plan Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Plan Development –Multi-year Plan – Currently in Phase 1 –Developed jointly by the Equity Advisory Committee and Lane ESD’s Internal Committee –Focus in Phase 1 – Leadership Development on Equity Issues

Created an Equity Plan Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Goal Lane ESD is committed to help increase the capacity of our component districts to implement research-based best practices for all students, thereby eliminating gaps in student achievement and disproportionate representation in special services, discipline and graduation rates based on race, ethnicity and socio-economic status. See “Goal” on Page 3 of the ESD’s Equity Plan

Created an Equity Plan Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Goal Multi-Year Plan Alignment with Local Service Plan Emphasis on Equitable Education Leadership Focus See “Goal” on Page 3 of the ESD’s Equity Plan

Created an Equity Plan Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Focus - Phase 1 -District Leadership Development -ESD Staff Development -Integration into ESD’s delivery of Professional Development -Development of Equitable Education Resource Materials -Expanded Opportunities for Community Partnerships See “Objectives” on Page 3 of the ESD’s Equity Plan

Created an Equity Plan Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Developed Common Language -Multicultural -Student Achievement -Equitable Education Refer to “Definition of Terms” on Page 8 of the ESD’s Equity Plan

Implementing Plan Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity -Integration with Consolidation Improvement Plan -Executive Leadership Development -ESD Leadership Development -Administrator’s Academy -Administrator’s Continuing Education Series -State Leadership in Race & Ethnicity Guidelines -Language Minority Initiative -Biliteracy Conference

Collaborative Equity & Diversity Planning Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity So…. We’re Continuing our Journey… We have much to learn… And the journey will never be complete!

Thank You! Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Lane ESD Contact Information Debbie Egan, Superintendent, Lane ESD (541) Lane ESD Equity Advisory Committee Co-Chairs Jane Waite, Equity Specialist, Lane ESD (541) Emilio Hernandez, Asst. Vice President, OIED, U/O (541)

For Discussion… Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity What are some of the possible factors that lead to the academic achievement gap between African American, Latino, Native American, and economically disadvantaged students and their White and Asian peers. What strategies do you currently use or could you use that would lead to more predicable outcomes for these students?

For Discussion… Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Name and discuss as many reasons you can think of for the disproportionate rate that Latino, African American and Native American children are suspended as a disciplinary action. What are the academic, social and emotional results of suspensions, especially repeated suspensions? Now discuss alternatives to suspension and strategies to close the discipline gap with your peers. Be prepared to share your results with the large group.

For Discussion… Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity What is the connection between Instructional Leadership and closing the gaps between the demographic groups that we have looked at today? Discuss this connection and describe some strategies you are using now or could use that would improve the quality and impact of your Instructional Leadership on outcomes for students.

For Discussion… Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Why is cultural fluency based in educational equity principles a critical leadership skill for school administrators? Please discuss this in-depth with your peers and come up with some scenarios where cultural fluency skills in administration would make a difference in outcomes for students.

For Discussion… Equity  Commitment  Leadership  Collaboration  Integrity Name and discuss as many reasons you can think of for why Latino, African American and Native American children are identified for Special Education at rates up to 3 times higher than other student groups. What are the academic, social and emotional implications of initial mis-identification and the inappropriate entrenchment of students in Special Education? What are some strategies for eliminating mis-identification and entrenchment. Please discuss and be prepared to share your results with the large group.