What country will we represent? Some Clues…. ◦ It is the most populous landlocked country in the world It has a population of 84.7 million 13 th largest population in the world ◦ It has the second largest population on its continent ◦ It was never colonized ◦ It was occupied by the Italians for a few years ◦ The two major religions in this country are Christianity and Islam
What does its flag look like?
This was its old flag…
What continent is it on?
What part of the continent?
We are…Ethiopia!
What is the Capital? Addis Ababa
Government Current Constitution created in 1995 ◦ Parliamentary Republic ◦ President ◦ Prime Minister
History Ancient Empire Kings connected lineage to King Solomon “Lion of Judah” Haile Selassie Italian Invasion during WWII
Culture: Language Official Language is Amharic Other languages are recognized ◦ Many ethnic and tribal groups How do you say hello? ◦ Teanastëllën ◦ Pronounce it: Tay-na-sti-ling ◦ You can also say Salam (not in Amharic)
Culture: Clothes WomenMen
Culture: Food
Culture: Music Reggae ◦ Not created by Ethiopians but inspired by religious connects to Ethiopia/Lion of Judah Spiritual Home of the Rastafarian Movement Ethiopian Music ◦ Inspired by many influences ◦ Various ethnic groups ◦ Religious elements ◦ Pop Music ◦ Traditional Dance
Culture: Religion
Ethiopians in the USA Approximately 460,000 Americans of Ethiopian ancestry Washington DC has a large Ethiopian- American population