Hero v. Anti-Hero: What’s the difference?
ID, EGO, SUPEREGO Freudian psychology divides the psyche into three subconscious parts. The id Represents irrational carnal desire; runs on impulses and wants The superego driven by an individual's conscience and morality. The ego logical mediator between these two oftentimes conflicting parts of the mind.
Pop Culture References of these Psyches
Joseph Campbell’s Definition of Hero (Ego) Willing to Sacrifice for other (self-sacrifice) Hero Archetypes = Ego Hero represents the ego’s search for identity Becomes a complete, integrated human being through their journey Hero is propelled by: The desire to be loved and understood To Succeed Survive Be Free Right Wrongs
The Anti-Hero (ID) There are two types of Anti-Heros: Hero qualities but are jaded and disillusioned (Rebel) Batman James Dean in Rebel without a Cause and East of Eden Lizabeth Salander in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Tragic Hero: Flawed Heroes who never overcome their inner demons: ID Whose actions may be deplorable, but the audience somehow sympathizes They may be charming, they have admirable qualities, but the flaws win out Dexter Morgan Walter White Scarlett O’Hara
Jay Gatsby: Hero or Anti-Hero?