British Literature What we should know: 1. Characteristics of each historical period Early writing Elizabethan Drama 19 th century novel 20 th century literature 2. Major genres of each period: their features important writers and their key works
Early writing 1.Religious writing (the Book of Kells) 2.Beowulf 3.Geoffrey Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales 4.Some legends of King Arthur 5.Welsh and Irish folks
Elizabethan Drama Background: “the Renaissance” Three Great playwright(“the great trio”): Christopher Marlowe:Dr Faustus William Shakespeare: Hamlet, Romeo&Juliet,Macbeth Othello Features of Elizabethan Drama
The 19th century novel A very rich literary period Romantic Movement Realism Famous Women Writers: Jane Austin The Bronte Sisters Elisabeth Gaskell Charles Dickens Benjamin Disraeli Sir Walter Scott Robert Louis Stevenson
20th century literature Modernism: features major writers: Joseph Conrad Virginia Woolf:stream of consciousness less modernism: D.H. Lawrence E.M. Forster
Post-modernism: features” Major writers: George Orwell: 1984 John Fowles Non-postmodernism after WWII: Graham Greene Spy novels poet Dylan Thomas
Present literature Features Major writers: Salman Rushdie …