Project Principal Investigator: Stephen J. Rocklage Co-authors: Billy D. Arnsberg and Dale S. Kellar Nez Perce Tribe Department of Fisheries Resources Management P.O. Box 365 Lapwai, ID Monitoring and Evaluation of Yearling Fall Chinook Salmon Released Upstream of Lower Granite Dam
Project Goal The goal of this project is to monitor and evaluate health and condition, post-release survival and behavior and adult returns of yearling and subyearling fall chinook salmon released from the fall chinook acclimation (FCAP) facilities upstream of Lower Granite Dam and feedback to co-managers to provide adaptive management opportunities.
Grande Ronde River Imnaha River Salmon River Hells Canyon Dam Lower Granite Dam Tucannon River Snake River Little Goose Dam Pittsburg Landing Facility Lyons Ferry Hatchery Clearwater River Dworshak Reservoir W A O RI D Big Canyon Facility Captain John Facility Snake River Snake River
Pittsburg Landing Acclimation Facility
Captain John Rapids Acclimation Facility
Objectives Document health, condition and tag/mark retention of yearling fall chinook salmon at the FCAP facilities Determine post-release behavior, outmigration characteristics, and survival of fall chinook salmon released from the FCAP facilities Document fall chinook salmon spawner abundance and distribution Determine smolt-to-adult survival of fall chinook salmon released from the FCAP facilities Participate in local and regional management planning, coordinate activities and share information Feedback results to co-managers for adaptive management opportunities
Juvenile Rearing Lyons Ferry Hatchery/LSRCP – WDFW (200124) Fall Chinook Acclimation Facilities – NPT ( , , ) Oxbow Hatchery – IDFG Umatilla Hatchery – ODFW Snake River Fall Chinook Enhancement Program – Activity Responsibilities Juvenile Health and Condition Idaho Fish Health Center – USFWS at Ahsahka M&E of Yearling Fall Chinook Salmon Upstream of Lower Granite – NPT ( ) Lyons Ferry Hatchery/LSRCP Fall Chinook Evaluation Program – WDFW (200121) Juvenile Post-release Monitoring M&E of Yearling Fall Chinook Salmon Upstream of Lower Granite – NPT ( ) Lyons Ferry Hatchery/LSRCP Fall Chinook Evaluation Program – WDFW (200121) NPT Hatchery M&E – NPT ( )
Snake River Fall Chinook Enhancement Program – Activity Responsibilities Adult Enumeration (Run Reconstruction and SARs) Lower Granite Dam Adult Trap – NOAA Fisheries Lyons Ferry Hatchery/LSRCP Fall Chinook Evaluation Program – WDFW (200121) NPT Hatchery M&E – NPT ( ) NOAA Fisheries TAC – US v. Oregon Adult Migration and Spawning Spawning Distribution of Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon – USFWS ( ) M&E of Yearling Fall Chinook Salmon Upstream of Lower Granite – NPT ( ) NPT Hatchery M&E – NPT ( ) Idaho Power Company Bureau of Land Management
Estimated Survival (+/- 95% C.I.) of Yearling Fall Chinook Released from the FCAP Facilities to Lower Granite Dam,
Estimated Survival (+/- 95% C.I.) of Yearling Fall Chinook Released from the FCAP Facilities to McNary Dam,
Median Migration Rate of Yearling Fall Chinook Released from the FCAP Facilities to McNary Dam,
Median Arrival Date of Yearling Fall Chinook Released from the FCAP Facilities to McNary Dam,
90% Arrival Date of Yearling Fall Chinook Released from the FCAP Facilities to McNary Dam,
Estimated Contributions of Fall Chinook Adult Returns to Lower Granite Dam,
Estimated Smolt-to-Adult Survival (SAR) of Yearling Fall Chinook from FCAP Brood Year Number Released Return Number to Lower Granite Dam Minimum SAR % to Lower Granite Dam Number of Other Recoveries Total % Contribution Pittsburg Landing , ,3161, , , Big Canyon , , , ,0721< , , Captain John , ,0101, , Brood Year Number Release d Return Number to Lower Granite Dam Minimum SAR % to Lower Granite Dam Number of Other Recoverie s Total % Contributi on 1 Surplus 2 Runts, BKD
Summary of Accomplishments Estimated survival rates of yearling fall chinook from the FCAP facilities in range from 74% - 97% to Lower Granite Dam and 38% - 84% to McNary Dam. Determined post-release characteristics such as migration rate and arrival timing to Lower Snake and Columbia River dams. Conduct mark retention quality control sampling on yearlings (CWT, AD, VIE) and subyearlings (CWT). Compiled health assessment data in cooperation with the Idaho Fish Health Center. Annually submit CWT release data to RMIS database.
Assisted project to monitor radio tagged adult fall chinook allowing description of migration patterns and distribution above Lower Granite Dam. Assisted in conducting fall chinook spawning ground surveys in the Clearwater and Salmon River basins, Began conducting spawning ground surveys on Grande Ronde and Imnaha Rivers in Conduct spawning ground surveys on Salmon River in cooperation with project and the BLM. Taking lead in drafting of Snake River Fall Chinook M&E Plan. Led co-managers in negotiating and drafting SRFCS marking plan, which was revised through the US v. Oregon proceedings. Summary of Accomplishments