OVERVIEW Introduction Kenya’s desire for G, J & S statistics Tasks accomplished in GDDS I & II Lessons from Dar GDDS II launch Chosen priorities for Kenya in Dar workshop What Kenya intended to achieve during GDDS II Data published by KNBS Recommendations Conclusions
INTRODUCTION Governance statistics unit started in 2001 New Government in 2002 National Development Plan: Public safety, Law & Order given priority Challenges that faced country by then Economic Recovery Strategy Paper Collect data from Police, Judiciary, Prisons, Probation & Aftercare, Ethics & Anti- Corruption & Public prosecution, Children’s dept, Immigration, IIEB
KENYA’S DESIRE FOR J & S STATISTICS Kenya was faced with insecurity, crime, corruption, drug trafficking & proliferation of firearms Do we have G, J & S statistics to assist in policy? Do we have timely G, J & S data? Do we have quality G, J & S data? What data gaps exist in G, J & S ? Do we have trained personnel to compile G, J & S statistics? Do we have equipment and software? How do we disseminate G, J & S statistics?
KENYA’S DESIRE FOR J & S STATISTICS CONT’D GOK developed Economic Strategy Paper in 2003 National Statistical System Strategic Plan, 2003 – 2008 developed G, J & Security statistics given a lot of weight Local consultancies supported by WB in 2004 Statcap implementation started in A loan of 20 million USD GDDS Phase I started & supported two missions: 2004 and 2005
TASKS ACCOMPLISHED IN GDDS I FIRST MISSION First GDDS mission in May, 2004 had the following main objectives: Review user needs in both criminal and civil justice Identify what statistical outputs and products needed to be produced and their frequency Identify what inputs and capacity building activities were needed to achieve the outputs
TASKS ACCOMPLISHED IN GDDS I FIRST MISSION CONT’D Prepare a detailed implementation plan for judicial statistics Prepare detailed advice on Kenyan Judicial Statistics Plan for Kenyan Judicial Statistics to become consistent with police, probation and prisons statistics Apart from Judiciary, the mission visited Police, Probation & Prisons departments
TASKS ACCOMPLISHED IN GDDS I SECOND MISSION The second mission was held in May, 2005 Targeted Police, Prisons, Probation, G, J & S statistics Visited Police stations, Prisons and Probation offices in areas closer to Nairobi city Required to identify areas of capacity building Assist in production of a unified vision Design a governance development strategy
TASKS ACCOMPLISHED IN GDDS I SECOND MISSION CONT’D The G, J & S departments collect, collate, compile, analyze and disseminate statistics for planning and general administration of justice G, J & S institutions have statistics units that required assistance They lacked equipment & trained manpower to collect, collate and compile statistics
TASKS ACCOMPLISHED IN GDDS II FIRST MISSION First mission held in Nov, 2007 Discussions held with KNBS centred on Statistics Act, coordinating machinery, statistics publication, household survey Discussions also held with Police, Judiciary, Prisons & Probation and included: data collection, use & quality, and IT development & software Discussions also held with E & ACC & Public Prosecutions department
TASKS ACCOMPLISHED IN GDDS II SECOND MISSION The second mission was held in April, 2008 Visited several agencies Issues of IT and database management featured mostly Issues of funding of activities also discussed A lot of improvements noted during this mission Different sources of funding required to move the agenda forward
LESSONS FROM LAUNCH OF GDDS PHASE II IN DAR Definitions/Classifications of G, J & S statistics Forms used by GJS agencies in data collection Description of the flow of the GJ S system Design computerisation of the GJS systems Present information on resources of GJS institutions List of data collection vehicles (e.g. surveys) Design tables for publication Design of metadata
CHOSEN PRIORITIES FOR KENYA IN DAR WORKSHOP Setting up of G, J & S committee Frequent discussions of common G, J & S statistics Common classifications Better IT systems Publications of G, J & S statistics Disseminations of G,J & S statistics Use of data across agencies to improve performance and policy
WHAT KENYA INTENDS TO ACHIEVE DURING GDDS PHASE II Data is limited in scope as it does not provide details on case load and case characteristics Data variables and classifications are different for each agency Data not fully processed and reported Data is incomplete Data collection tools, methods, analysis procedures are specific to the needs of each agency.
WHAT KENYA INTENDS TO ACHIEVE DURING GDDS PHASE II CONT’D There is lack of commonality in variables, classifications and definitions. Analysis procedures are tailored to meet the information needs of the individual agencies. There is lack of coordinated information sharing among these agencies No unique identity for a person as he/she moves from one agency to the other hence cannot be monitored
WHAT KENYA INTENDS TO ACHIEVE DURING GDDS PHASE II CONT’D Data does not provide mostly demographic characteristics of the offenders Need for reviewing of data collection instruments Need for computerization of data collection tools at all levels
DATA PUBLISHED BY KNBS KNBS publishes the following data in annual Economic Survey: Annual crimes reported to Police Firearms & ammunitions recovered/Surrendered Number of offences reported to Police by Province Number of persons reported to Police to have committed offences by gender Number of persons reported to Police to have committed offences against morality/persons
DATA PUBLISHED BY KNBS CONT’D Cases prosecuted by Director of Public Priosecutions Cases filed, disposed of & pending in Law & High courts Number of magistrates & judges by cadre Cases reported to E & ACC by type Number of reports filed by E &ACC to Attorney General Convicted prison population by age & gender
DATA PUBLISHED BY KNBS CONT’D Daily average population of prisoners by gender Prison population by sentence duration by gender Convicted prisoners by type of offence Number of Justice & security personnel Number of offenders serving probation sentence by gender & type of offence Number of offenders serving community service order by gender and offence
DATA PUBLISHED BY KNBS CONT’D Number of offenders serving community aftercare rehabilitation by gender and offence Number of registered voters by Province and gender Number of national identity cards issued, replaced and collected by gender Number of passports & entry/work permits issued
RECOMMENDATIONS The KNBS is determined to continue assisting agencies to build capacity Agencies also encouraged to look for alternative sources of funds to build capacity Greater need exists for computerization of agencies’ field offices Agencies also encouraged to recruit professional statistical officers/economist Agencies encouraged to make use of G,J & S data
CONCLUSIONS Positive development in G, J & S among senior officers of GJS Statcap project improved computer infrastructure at HQs of GJS More data being used in GJS sector More disseminations being done by Police Resources are not adequate to fund all activities