A forum for coordinating state, federal, and tribal aquatic monitoring programs in the Pacific Northwest Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP)
Primary PNAMP goal Facilitate information sharingimprove quality Facilitate information sharing and improve quality of aquatic data through adoption of standardized sampling designs, methods, and data protocols.
Management Questions need to drive the process first MQs must be defined first by each entity in order to identify information needs metrics & indicators Agreement on metrics & indicators and the appropriate temporal and spatial scales design & methods PNAMP to play a role in design & methods for collecting data more robust data & information Ultimately allow higher quality, more robust data & information that can be used for multiple purposes
Management Questions PNAMP Management Question survey Federal RME MQ/Info Needs table CSMEP survey NOAA Fisheries MQ/Info Needs list All lists lead to many common information needs!
What can PNAMP contribute? Survey Design Survey Design: develop an integrated design for status & trends monitoring (using GRTS, master sample) Protocols Protocols (methods) for data collection Tools:Tools: data dictionary/protoc ol catalogue, method manual template MethodsSpecific Methods
PNAMP Protocols Work Habitat: Watershed Protocol Comparison Test Fish population monitoring techniques Effectiveness monitoring techniques Macroinvertebrate sampling (with NBAW)
PNAMP Needs Technical help Technical help to: Document and develop specific data needs; identify and communicate data issues. Assist with current PNAMP tasks, such as: Protocol Manager (data dictionary) assessment, Monitoring Inventory, demonstration projects, protocol comparison projects.
PNAMP Needs communication and collaboration Strong communication and collaboration with regional data management entities to develop data management solutions. implementation Assistance with implementation of PNAMP recommendations with PNAMP partners to ensure sharing of monitoring data.
Can StreamNet help meet these needs? PNAMP is interested in investigating options for StreamNet to directly support specific PNAMP needs.
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