Welcome to Kindergarten at Lisa J. Mails! Future Class of 2024!
Arrival and Dismissal AM Kindergarten: School starts at 8:30. Your child will line up inside the school in the quad (there are classroom numbers painted on the ground). Dismissal will be at the outside doors by our playground. If you arrive later than 8:35 you will need to take your child to the office and get a tardy slip. PM Kindergarten: School starts at 11:20. Both arrival and dismissal will be at the outside doors by the kinder yard. You need to park your car and walk to the kinder doors, no parking on curb. Children will ONLY be released to people you designate on the emergency card.
Snacks Both AM and PM kindergarten will have a 20 minute snack/recess break. Please send your child with a small, nutritious snack. No soda, candy please! Please label lunch boxes!
Home School Communication Every Friday your child will bring home their Friday folder. This will contain all flyers and notices from the school. Also, all weekly work will be sent home on Fridays, so please, check those backpacks!! Our homework and newsletter is sent via on Friday afternoons. Please let your child’s teacher know if you do not have access to and we can send home a hard copy. It is very important that you read the weekly newsletter. All information about upcoming events, school activities and other kindergarten happenings will be in the newsletter. If your child is absent, please contact the front office or send in a note when your child returns. is the easiest way to contact us. We are also available by phone, notes with your child or prearranged conferences.
Homework Homework will be sent home on the first Friday of the month. Please return the Week’s homework each Friday in the Friday folder. Read, Read, Read, READ! Reading to your child every night is essential to building literacy skills…and before long, they are going to be reading to you! Occasionally we will have family projects…your child will treasure this time with you, make it fun! All work will be sent home in Friday’s folder.
Clothing Please dress your child in comfortable clothing for school. It is best to dress children in “play” clothes instead of “dress” clothes since some activities require children to paint, sit on the floor, play in sand or water, or play outside. In cold weather, please dress your child accordingly since we may go outside to play or for a short walk on the school grounds. Shoes need to have backs on them (no flip flops!). Label EVERYTHING!! Belts and buckles: Make sure your child is able to undo belts and buckles…this will alleviate “accidents” in the classroom!
Volunteers Please fill out the volunteer form and return it to your child’s teacher. There are many tasks for volunteers and we will try to find one that best fits your needs. Volunteers will start in the beginning of September. Occasionally we have events that need more volunteers, we will send home ample notice of these special occasions! You will not be able to volunteer in the classroom until you have filled out the paperwork from the office!!
Mondays Our Monday schedule is a bit different this year. AM students start at the regular time but dismissal is at 11:45, so 10 minutes earlier. PM students will begin school at 10:30 and end at 1:45.
Arts Rotations Drama, Dance, Art and Music Art is incorporated into everyday in kindergarten Two Art Showcases a year (Winter and Spring) In the Spring we focus on one Kindergarten Art Master: Eric Carle
School supplies and Wish Lists We are always grateful for any donations to our classroom-ziploc bags, Cleaning Wipes, Crayons, xerox paper Included in the packet is items on our wish list for this year
Curriculum Open Court Handwriting without Tears Houghton Mifflin Math