Investigate the Life History of Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead in the Grande Ronde River Basin Project 199202604 Brian Jonasson Oregon Department.


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Presentation transcript:

Investigate the Life History of Spring Chinook Salmon and Summer Steelhead in the Grande Ronde River Basin Project Brian Jonasson Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Project Goals Describe and monitor juvenile life history strategies and life-stage survival of spring chinook salmon and steelhead in the Grande Ronde Subbasin Provide baseline natural production and life history information for evaluation of supplementation efforts in the Grande Ronde Subbasin

Juvenile Life History Objectives Spring Chinook Salmon In-basin migration patterns and abundance Survival and migration patterns to mainstem dams Life stage survival rates Use of winter concealment habitat Relationships between rearing habitat and survival and life history patterns

Juvenile Life History Objectives Steelhead In-basin migration patterns and abundance Survival and migration patterns to mainstem dams Proportion of fall migrants that smolt in spring Population characteristics of steelhead in Catherine Creek in summer

Migration Timing and Abundance Spring Chinook Salmon Catherine Creek

Migration Timing and Abundance Spring Chinook Salmon Upper Grande Ronde River

Migration Timing and Abundance Spring Chinook Salmon Lostine River

Migration Timing and Abundance Spring Chinook Salmon Minam River

Survival to Lower Granite Dam Spring Chinook Salmon 2000 Migratory Year

Survival to Lower Granite Dam Spring Chinook Salmon 2001 Migratory Year

Survival to Lower Granite Dam Spring Chinook Salmon 2002 Migratory Year

Survival to Lower Granite Dam Spring Chinook Salmon 2003 Migratory Year

Abundance of Summer Parr Spring Chinook Salmon

Egg to Smolt Survival Spring Chinook Salmon Catherine Creek

Egg to Smolt Survival Spring Chinook Salmon Lostine River

Egg to Smolt Survival Spring Chinook Salmon Minam River

Winter Concealment Spring Chinook Salmon Depth Velocity Substrate Embeddedness Cover Pools were ranked based on:

Winter Concealment Spring Chinook Salmon Catherine Creek

Winter Concealment Spring Chinook Salmon Lostine River

Winter Concealment Spring Chinook Salmon Grande Ronde River

Winter Concealment Spring Chinook Salmon Catherine Creek

Habitat Relationships Spring Chinook Salmon Aquatic habitat inventory Macroinvertebrates Streamflow Habitat variables: Fish variables: Egg to smolt survival Proportion of early and late migrants

Habitat Relationships Spring Chinook Salmon

Limiting Factors Analysis Spring Chinook Salmon Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment Method (EDT) Aquatic Habitat Inventory data Habitat relationships

Migration Timing and Abundance Steelhead Catherine Creek

Migration Timing and Abundance Steelhead Grande Ronde River

Migration Timing and Abundance Steelhead Lostine River

Migration Timing and Abundance Steelhead Minam River

Survival to Lower Granite Dam Steelhead Tagged in Spring

Survival to Lower Granite Dam Steelhead Catherine Creek

Survival to Lower Granite Dam Steelhead Grande Ronde River

Survival to Lower Granite Dam Steelhead Lostine River

Survival to Lower Granite Dam Steelhead Minam River

Population Structure Steelhead Catherine Creek

Population Structure Steelhead Catherine Creek

Population Structure Steelhead Catherine Creek

Life History Findings and Management Significance Habitats downstream of the spawning areas are critical rearing areas in fall and winter Deep pools with cover are important for over winter habitat

Life History Findings and Management Significance Local populations exhibit differences in life history, including migration timing within the subbasin and survival to mainstem dams