January 2011 “The love of a family is life’s greatest gifts.” New Year Wishes “I wish U to have a..... Sweet Sunday, Marvelous Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Friendly Friday, Successful Saturday. Have a great Year! Happy New Year!” Tax Credit Tax season is just around the corner. The Earned Income Tax credit will put money back in your pocket. There will be information in February on free tax preparation resources. Watch for next month’s newsletter!! The New Year is a good time for Resolutions to change your life. It’s a new beginning and the possibilities are new…. Take a few moments to look at what you might like to change in your life…. Ask yourself, if I could wake up tomorrow morning and have one thing be different.. What would that be? Your Family Services Coordinator will be calling you this month to follow-up on goals identified in the fall and to help with support for new opportunities… Head Start can be a life changing experience. Don‘t let this chance pass you by!!! We are sending home a request for address updates. Please complete and send it back to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. We must have current information and be able to contact you or your emergency contact in case your child becomes ill or school is cancelled because of inclement weather. Weather delay cancellations do happen this time of the year. Whatever your school division is doing is what your child will be doing. If you live in King George and the schools are delayed or closed, so is Head Start for your child. If you live in Fredericksburg, and schools are delayed or closed, you will follow the Fredericksburg Schools schedule. Information is posted on the school divisions websites, on radio and television so tune in early on days when we are expecting snow or ice for information about school delays and closures. ESL (English as a Second Language) ESL classes will begin Wednesday, January 5 at 10:30am. Classes will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays from 10:30-11:30. English play group will be held every 2 nd Wednesday of the month from 9:30 – 10:30. ELL play group will be held every 2 nd Wednesday of the month from 10:30 – 11:30. Happy Year New Rent & Mortgage Assistance If you are behind on rent or mortgage payment, contact your Family Services Coordinator. They can assist you with obtaining resources that will assist you with your rent or mortgage. Making Financial Decisions Financial Workshop will be held January 18 th following the Family and Community Partnership meeting.. Come out and learn more about Financial Stability, Home Ownership, and Landlord/Tenant laws. Invitations will be coming home soon. Coats for kids ‘leave no child in the cold’ It’s winter time! So let’s work together in keeping the children warm. If your child does not have a winter jacket, please contact your Family Services Coordinator. Developing a partnership between the family and the community Family and Community Partnership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 18 at 5:30pm. Dinner and child care will be provided. Invitations will be coming home soon. Employment in this economy can be especially hard to find. See your Family Services Coordinator for some additional resources and job search assistance. Resume